Kylie Jenner Finally Answers All Your Questions About Her Pregnancy & Stormi Webster
If someone has a baby, but you never got to see them go through pregnancy, were they really ever pregnant? It's a question I find myself asking over and over again since Kylie Jenner welcomed daughter Stormi Webster to the world. I'm so excited that the lip kit queen has been sharing pics of her cute little bambino on social media, but not gonna lie, I still want more! Luckily, all of us fans are now getting the inside scoop on things like whether or not Stormi and cousin Chicago West are besties, and Kylie Jenner's pregnancy cravings. It's such a good one, you guys! Here's a hint: think Stranger Things.
So where is all the inside info coming from? The 20-year-old Life of Kylie star herself rolled up on Twitter on March 10 and shared a short tweet that said, “Sundays with Stormi.” Then, the new mama proceeded to graciously start answering fan questions and spilling the deets about things like which sister she first told that she was expecting (it wasn't Kim), whether or not Stormi has laughed yet (she hasn't, but she sure smiles a lot), and what she thought was the hardest part about being preggers.
“There really was no worst part!" Kylie wrote. "Probably not being able to eat sushi lol. I had such a perfect experience. She moved a lot." Sounds like a pretty amazing situation all around — you know, despite the lack of spicy tuna rolls. Now about those pregnancy cravings...
"Eggos!!!" Kylie wrote. "I never liked them before I was pregnant and haven’t had one since I had her. So strange! Lol."
I think she means, "So Stranger Things!"
The makeup mogul also copped to craving donuts and In-N-Out, and to requesting the bread from Craig’s in L.A., which she actually had waiting for her after giving birth, because of course she did!
Meanwhile, Kylie admitted that she couldn’t actually remember which one of her sisters she told she was pregnant first! “I think it was Khloé!" she tweeted. "Maybe Kourtney.” Too funny. Oh, and get this — just like Khloé, Kylie totally did not think she was pregnant with a girl. "We thought we were gonna have a boy!" she wrote. "I was soooo surprised!"
If you watched the season finale of Keeping Up With The Kardashians on March 4, then you already know how disappointed Khloé was when she first learned the sex of her baby.
“You’re having a girl!” Kylie told Khloé over the phone.
“You’re lying!” Khloé responded. "Shut up."
“I’m not lying,” Kylie said. “I’m so excited for you, Khloé!”
“I don’t feel like I’m having a girl,” Khloé said, sounding kinda sad. “I don’t feel like I’m having a girl at all. I’m like in a state of shock."
Not to worry — our girl Khlo-money has since come around to the idea of having a daughter. I mean, did you see that amazing all-pink baby shower?
As for mom Kris' reaction to hearing the baby news, Kylie said she was "sooo supportive":
And check out this response to the news from BFF Jordyn Woods:
Total friend goals!
Kylie also opened up about Stormi in a bunch of posts, like when a fan asked about her favorite feature. "Well all of her!" Kylie replied. "But her little toes get me every time."
Awww! That is so, so sweet! But my favorite tweet of all came in response to the tweeter who asked about Kylie's pregnancy fears. "Were you afraid of giving birth?" she asked. "I'm just a year older than you and this is my number one fear about having a baby."
"I wasn’t afraid and you shouldn’t be either," Kylie tweeted back. "We were made for this."
Tell 'em, mama!