Kristin Shared Where She's Quarantining & It Makes So Much Sense
During a May 16 Instagram Live conversation with her stylist Dani Michelle, Kristin Cavallari said she's quarantining at a friend's amid her divorce from Jay Cutler. While Cavallari, who filed for divorce on April 24, didn't go into detail on her split, she did give some updates on her life. First off, she's living with her best friend Justin Anderson. Fans of the reality star might recall that Cavallari and Cutler were stuck in the Bahamas for three weeks in March with Anderson, a hair colorist, and his fiancé, Scoot Austin Rhodes. Cavallari went straight to Anderson's place following the trip. "I'm at my friend Justin's house right now," Cavallari told Michelle during the Instagram Live chat. "We've been together for the entire quarantine time — literally from day one."
It sounds as if Cavallari's kids are with her, too. "I will tell you, the no school thing is tough," Cavallari lamented during the Instagram Live. "With the boys, Jaxon will not listen to me. He refuses to do work. I'm like, 'I can't fight with you about doing schoolwork.' It's too hard."
"My kids are young, so that's nice," she continued. "My boys are 7 and 6 so it's not the end of the world if they're not sitting here doing schoolwork every day. but everyone's going a little stir-crazy because we really can't go anywhere."
They're also running out of ideas for things to do at home. "With my kids, it's, like, 'All right, what should we do today?' We've maxed out every creative idea."
Like pretty much everyone else in the world, Cavallari said her routine has been thrown by the quarantine. "I used to wake up at 5 a.m. every morning, work out and then I would get my kids ready for school, take them to school and go to the office," she shared. "I haven't set an alarm since all of this has been going on."
The late wake up time has also been giving her a chance to log in some extra snuggles with her kids. "Because of my kids, I get up from anywhere between 6:30 and 8 a.m. I don't normally let my kids sleep with me, but I've been rotating my kid for the last week," she shared, adding that "it's cute but those are the moments that will never be the same, we'll never get those back. So in that sense, I've been trying to really enjoy that time with my kids."
Cavallari and Cutler announced their split on April 26. Since then, things have gotten progressively messier as Cavallari reportedly fights for full custody of their three children.
Given the current circumstances, it's nice to see Cavallari is still managing to make some happy memories.