
Justin Bieber & Hailey Baldwin Got A New Puppy That’s The Cutest Early Christmas Gift Ever

by Lizzy Rosenberg
Nicholas Hunt/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

2018 has been quite a year for Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin. The hot Hollywood couple officially started dating, and then soon got married, and now, the two have officially expanded their family thanks to the addition of a fur baby, aka their new puppy! I know, I know — it's not an actual child, but I'm basically screaming right now. The two famous lovebirds are (rightfully) posting all about it on their IG Stories, and if you haven't already seen Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin's new dog, Oscar, he's the absolute cutest pup on the planet. TBH, I wish he was mine.

Saturday, Dec. 22, was an incredibly momentous day for Baldwin and the Biebs. The newly married couple posted several adorable pics and videos of their brand new puppy, Oscar, to both of their Instagram Stories. These included a variety of puppy pics, videos of the teeny pup playing and running around all over their bed, and — of course — tons of footage of the dog all tuckered out, sleeping the day away. In all honesty, it looks like the couple is incredibly happy with the newest addition to their family, and it's making me super jealous.

Take a look at some of the sweet moments from their Stories, below, but be careful — there's a pretty good chance you'll instantly fall in love with little Oscar, er "Oscar Bieber," per Hailey's Story.

Instagram/Hailey Bieber
Instagram/Hailey Bieber
Instagram/Hailey Bieber
Instagram/Justin Bieber
Instagram/Justin Bieber

OK guys, I don't know about you, but my heart and soul has legitimately melted into a giant, messy puddle on the floor. Baldwin and Bieber's new fur baby is teeny tiny, hella fluffy, and undeniably adorable — and clearly — the forever famous couple loves him more than anything in the entire world (besides each other, obviously). I don't know about you, but all I want for Christmas is Oscar, you guys. So Santa, if you're reading this, please take some notes. I'll definitely be expecting a little rambunctious Oscar under my tree this holiday season. Please and thank you.

As you probably would have expected, the "What Do You Mean?" singer also posted a father-"dogson" photo on his Instagram. The glorious snapshot features a shirtless Bieber and the beloved new doggo cuddling together in an all-white bed, and if you ask me, it totally meets #DogDadGoals. The caption reads "Meet our dogson his name is #Oscar," and IMO, the two of them are absolutely adorable. If you haven't already seen it, check it out, below. You definitely won't regret it.

Ugh, Justin and Hailey need to give me a break. In all honesty, my weak heart cannot handle all of the love in this club at this moment in time. Taking copious amounts of adorable puppy photos is undeniably inevitable, though, when you get a cute little fur baby for Christmas. IMO, America's favorite couple (er, I guess they're a family now, some might say) is totally killin' the fam game right now.

Seeing as though Bieber and Baldwin gifted everyone with a little glimpse into their married life on Thanksgiving this year, I can only wonder what they'll share with fans on Dec. 25. Until then, I'll enjoy these photos of Oscar, because Christmas has officially come early this year.

Wishing the three of them the happiest (and fluffiest) of holidays, and a Happy New Year.