These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have The Worst Week, But It's Not All Bad
If you're feeling anxious, angry, stressed, or depressed, the fact that summer is still a few weeks away probably doesn't do much to lift your spirits. On the contrary, it probably does quite the opposite. When the sunniest season of all is right around the corner, you expect your mood to be cheerful, lively, and breezy. A shadow is cast over you instead, while the rest of the world seems so much brighter. If all of this feels way too relatable, then take comfort in the fact that you're not alone, because as of June 11, 2018, this will be the worst week for these zodiac signs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.
Summer isn't always the easy season it's made out to be. It's often when everyone else seems happy that the darkness in your heart is hardest to ignore. However, if you're struggling to overcome obstacles in your life, this week presents you with a sparkling message of hope: A new moon in Gemini on June 13. Through this new moon, you can expel all the negativity swarming through your soul and start fresh. The intensions you set on this date will allow you to grow closer to your intrinsic self, and by the time summer is fully underway, you will have grown in a way that can overcome anything.
Taurus: You May Experience Conflict At Home
You began a journey that involves extreme and drastic changes in your life when Uranus, planet of transformation and revolution, entered your sign on May 15. Since then, you've been shaken from your comfort zone. While the results that follow will make it all worthwhile, change is never easy for you. When Uranus forms a square with Venus, your ruling planet, in your fourth house of family, you can expect tension and conflict to brew in your home environment. This can include difficult conversations, arguments, and even a shift in your livelihood. As frustrating as these things may be, trust in the journey. Everything will work itself out in the end.
With a new moon in your second house of finance and self-worth, you'll begin planning for a better future; one that is full of wealth, confidence, and security. The stars are on your side here.
Virgo: Life Might Feel Boring & Monotonous
Venus is currently in your 12th house of spirituality, causing you to delve deep into the truths glittering in your soul and become reacquainted with your most authentic self. As cleansing as this feels, Venus will form a square with Uranus in your ninth house of adventure this week. When Uranus entered your ninth house on May 15, a desire to accumulate knowledge, gain new experiences, and see the world was planted inside of you. The disagreement between these two planets will make those goals temporarily difficult to achieve. Instead, you may feel dull, listless, and bored.
However, with a new moon bursting energy into your 10th house of social status, you're planting seeds for success that will grow quickly into something amazing. Big things take time. Don't let yourself be discouraged.
Capricorn: Your Confidence May Be A Bit Low
There's a chance you may feel insecure with yourself this week, especially when it comes to your relationships. Saturn, your ruling planet, has been in your sign since December of last year. You've been pushing through your own mental blocks and fighting your demons ever since. However, as Saturn forms an opposition to Mercury in your seventh house of love and partnerships, you may feel like Saturn's restricting and limiting nature is transferring itself to your social life. This transit can inspire feelings of unworthiness, despair, and self-doubt. However painful this may feel, trust that these are only growing pains. Once they've passed, you will feel that much more confident with yourself.
When the new moon shines in your sixth house of work and health, you'll begin the process of decluttering and detoxifying your life. It'll be a great time to accomplish clarifying tasks and revamp your self-care regimens.