
How To Pick Out An Engagement Ring You'll Love Wearing 'Til Death Does You Part

by Sydnee Lyons

Everyone knows that the best way to get something done exactly how you want it is to do it yourself. This goes for figuring out how to pick out an engagement ring, too. Sure, you can let your fiancé surprise you with the time and place but a surprise diamond? Risky, assuming you're into that sort of thing.

It makes sense considering you have to wear it for the rest of your life (I mean, hopefully). I know people always say looking down at their engagement rings makes them smile every time but how many of these people are just good-hearted liars? How many of them are actually looking down and thinking, "I wonder if I ~lose~ this, like I lost my student I.D., if I'd get a new one?"

OK, OK, probably not a whole lot of engaged people out there actually think like this because love is blind, blah, blah, blah. But I bet now you're panicking about what you would do if you hated your engagement ring. Perfect, because I've got just the bridal inspo for you. These three women chose their own engagement rings and um, can I be them? Here's how they got the loves of their lives to put not just any ring on it... but the ring. Bey-hive, take note.

This woman gave her fiancé a shortlist of her favorites and I've never been more impressed by someone's ability to delegate. I mean, this is some upper-management level strategizing.

I just picked out mine a couple months ago and he proposed this weekend! I showed him some pictures of what I liked, but hadn't tried any on before, so we thought it would be a good idea to just go together to see what I really liked. He has really good taste, but was worried he'd pick one I didn't like, so it really was a win-win. I picked a couple different rings and went to get coffee while he chose. As soon as I left the store, I knew which one I really wanted — but also knew that whichever one he picked, I would love it for his reasons. In the end, he chose the one that I wanted the most and I'm completely obsessed with it.

- Emily, 26

This guy's fiancée picked out her own ring without even knowing it and it's actually kind of genius. Maybe she knew what he was up to all along?

I'm 29 and engaged about a month. Together for 11 years. My fiancé actually pick her own ring without knowing it. My router has parental controls, so I modified them to report jewelry stores instead. So I got an email every time she looked at rings. This gave me the style and look she liked. She kept looking at the same ring over and over... I liked it too, so I got it. I spent about $7500 in total. She is still giggling, a month later, every time she looks at it so I know I got the right ring.

- aud7

This woman isn't even engaged yet but she's got it all figured out. Gotta love a woman with a plan.

I am not engaged yet, but I made a Word document of important stats (pictures of rings I like from Pinterest, preferred cut/color/band, ring size) and gave it to my mom. If my boyfriend asks my mom for permission or tells her of his plan to propose (I don’t have a dad), she can print out a copy and give it to him! I may also send copies to some of my best friends or even his sister... or just leave it open on my laptop one day.

- Nicole, 23

It should be standard procedure that you share the links to your wedding-planning Pinterest boards with your significant other when things start getting serious. (Trust me, it's all in there — how I'd like to be proposed to, what color tuxes the eight groomsmen will wear, what I want for Christmas next year...)

All that's left to do now is hire a bodyguard to protect your engagement ring like Paris Hilton did and you're all set to live happily ever after.

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