A Guide To Getting A Cutie On Vacation To Notice You

by Griffin Wynne

You're a million miles from home on a sunny beach, covered in coconut-scented sunscreen, drinking a smoothie out of an emptied pineapple. Across the cabana, you cross eyes with a total hottie. You want to talk to them, but you're not sure they see you. As you mull over what to say, you realize that despite your banging tan and cute AF outfit, getting someone on vacation to notice you can feel a little daunting. Not to worry — with a little pep in your step and maybe a refill on your smoothie, you'll be flirting away in no time.

"Vacation is absolutely one of the best times to meet someone. You are relaxed, psyched for a fabulous time, and probably looking your best!" Fran Greene, licensed clinical social worker and author of The Secret Rules of Flirting tells Elite Daily. "Being on vacation is the perfect combination of new people, new experiences, and a sense of anonymity. You also have the most important thing in common — you are all on vacation!"

If you're trying to mack with a cutie, all the while exploring a new place — here are three tips to getting someone to notice you on vacation.

01Just Be Yourself!

As corny as it sounds, the best way to get someone's attention on vacation is to just enjoy your vacation as your normally would. Get the fun drink. Get two. Do karaoke. Wear a daring outfit. Take time for yourself and the right people will be drawn to you.

"Vacation makes you think because of the limited conditions around time and the temporary location, you don’t have to cafe what happens," Thomas Edwards Jr., coach and founder of The Professional Wingman tells Elite Daily. "But what that does is allow you to show as your truly authentic self, which is the most attractive version of yourself. It really starts with your energy. Allowing yourself to fully enjoy yourself and engaging others in your enjoyment."

If you're feeling yourself and your friends on your vacay, the cutie at the beach or the hottie on the dance floor will totally pick up on your vibes and will be chatting you up in no time.

02Put Yourself In The Local Scene

If you're visiting a new place you've never been or you're just in the mood to check out some new restaurants or clubs, getting out of your routine can be a great way to get people's attention on vacation.

"Vacation is a great time to expand you horizons, get out of your routine and meet people," Shula Melamed, MA, MPH, and well-being coach tells Elite Daily. "Don't disappear into your phone, your hotel room/Airbnb or go to empty restaurants or cafes. Put yourself in the mix of the local scene."

If you see a bustling market or a fun bar — bop in to scope out the scene. Getting out of your routine can be a great way to connect with new people.

03Make The First Move

If you spot someone totally fine or if you're getting a vibe from your bartender — the best way to get them to notice you is to make a move. Being on vacation means you're already out of your comfort zone, so taking a healthy risk, like saying hello to a stranger or complimenting a cutie's outfit, can be a great way to get the conversation rolling.

"The best way to meet someone is to make the first move regardless of the outcome — having self-confidence and risking rejection can be easier when you are on a vacation," Greene says. "Being on vacation could give you a sense of urgency not to miss an opportunity. Having regrets stinks! Just go for it — the rewards are limitless."

If you're already feeling fun and flirty on vacation, making the first move can be a great way to get someone's attention.

Going on vacation can be a great way to meet new people and make new connections. Being yourself and enjoying your time on vacation can naturally attract the right people to your energy. Getting in the local scene and putting yourself out there can open up your trip to all sorts of new adventures. Vacation is a time to relax and have fun — and if you're feeling yourself, all the cuties will sit up and take notice.