Here's How Long To Date Before Making It Instagram Official, According To 7 Women
Social media comes with a set of unwritten rules that I can only assume kids will one day literally learn in school. Navigating all your feeds, creating your brand, and negotiating when you need to give photocreds — there's a lot to learn. Of course, the rules of social media can seem even more daunting when dating comes into the mix. From knowing how long into talking to a new cutie you can follow them, to how long to date before making it Instagram official, navigating social media with a new boo can feel a little tricky.
Like most things in dating, the best solution to Instagram stress may be to start a discussion about it. Remember: It's important to get someone's consent before posting about them on the web. Ultimately, if your date is cool with you posting their pic, then it's entirely your call! What's right for your and your boo may look different than what's right for other couples. As any celeb posting #ads for gummies that make your hair grow can tell you — there's no one way to use Instagram.
I spoke with seven women about how long they dated before making their relationship #insta official.
01Feel It Out
"Sometimes I follow someone immediately if they have a good stream. If it’s more of an emotional follow, like I want to see what they're doing but I care/am feeling jelly, I will wait until something’s locked down tbh. I think it would take me a while to post a picture with a person or a picture of them. Idk, I feel it out."
— Chris, 27
02Put A Ring On It
"Honestly, wait until you're engaged. Otherwise, you'll have to look at pics of your ex if you breakup."
— Shelly, 24
03Wait For The Pic
"I'd say don't stress about time. If something happens and there's an organic photo op, or that' really Insta-worthy, you'll know. One day at the supermarket there were all these crazy sausages hanging from the ceiling with this sign that was like 'Caution: Do not touch the sausages!' and the guy I was seeing was like 'Please take my picture under that' and it was just the funniest picture ever and I posted it just because it was funny. Wait for the pic."
— KT, 24
04More To The Story
"I'm not out to my family, so my girlfriend is all over my Finsta, but I don't know when I'll be 'ready' I guess to post her on my main page. But I love her and she knows that and she knows the situtation."
— Tobin, 23
05Think About Why
"I mean, it's your Insta, you can post what you want. But if you're really thinking about this new person, are you actually confused about what the nature of the relationship is? Or that the other person will think it's weird? Are you posting because you want to prove something or show off to your exes or mean girls you went to high school with? Or because you have a sweet picture you want to share? Any of those feelings are fine, but some may be good conversations to have with the person you're seeing in addition to posting them."
— Gabby, 27
06You're In The Clear
OK, if you're taking cute pictures together, it's fine to post it. Like if they are posing for a picture with you, you're in the clear.
— Mari, 22
07Just Ask!
Just ask them. If they say it's OK, then it's fine.
— Lauren, 23
There's no one answer to how long you should wait to post a pic of your and your new boo. When it doubt, talk it out! Asking before posting can make sure everyone feels comfortable. When it comes to your Instagram, you get to decide what's right for you, and that is totally official.