
These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have The Best Week & Mercury Retrograde Is Almost Here

by Roya Backlund

We're well into Pisces season and it feels like we're living in a fantasy land. Have your dreams started becoming as vivid as mine have? I don't know about you, but my dreams have been so beautiful and intense that I've been having trouble getting out of bed lately because I just wanna dream some more. But of course, that's just my Pisces moon that's being activated by the watery cosmic influx. If you're feeling what I'm feeling, then it makes so much sense that as of February 25, 2019, this will be the best week for these zodiac signs: Scorpio, Aquarius, and Pisces. Whether your sun or rising falls under any of the following, you'll be living the dream.

Although we're in the pre-shadow phase of Mercury retrograde at the moment and you're probably experiencing the confusion already, this week is mostly made of soothing starlight. In fact, the most major thing that's taking place is that Venus — planet of love and luxury — is dancing into eccentric and community-oriented Aquarius, but this will only make your social life that much more exciting. Prepare to feel connected to your fellow humans, ready to embrace your own individuality, and in the mood to try something off-the-wall in your love life. Pisces is in the air and it's only helping all of us feel more sensitive to one another.

Scorpio: You're Having A Total Blast And Enjoying Life

You're being flooded with creativity right now because the sun is in the midst of its yearly visit to your fifth house of fun and pleasure. For the next few weeks, your only job is to enjoy the f*ck out of yourself. Get in touch with your inner child and allow nothing to spoil your joy. Give yourself loads of attention, honor your beauty, and create something magnificent with your time. Don't feel pressured into being someone you're not or doing something you don't want to do. Right now, you come first.

It's also worth noting that sexy Mars is in your seventh house of partnerships, making this a beautiful time for you to connect with someone intimately and carnally. Embrace the passion in your heart.

Aquarius: You're Feeling Sexier Than Ever And It Shows

Are you feeling sultry and sexy? Do you walk into a room knowing that everyone wants to be in your good graces? If not, you better start right now, because you're in the midst of your Venus return. Aquarius season may be over but that doesn't mean that the fun has come to an end.

When Venus is in your first house of the self, it's a time of incredible self-love and self-care. This is your opportunity to fall madly in love with yourself, share the wealth with any cuties who catch your eye, and know that you are immensely cared for and attractive to everyone you come across.

Pisces: You're Queen Of The World And Everyone Knows It

Do you feel like you're in top of the world? Is the universe meshing with your creative, dreamy, and effervescent nature just the way you like it? You're in the midst of your solar return and this is an incredibly powerful time for you. It's a spiritual marker of growth that allows you to look back on all of your accomplishments and mistakes, knowing that you've done your best and you should feel so proud of yourself. It's also time for you to look forward, knowing that the possibilities in your future are truly endless.

Relish in what it means to be you. Know that the way you treat yourself right now sets the tone for the year to come. Treat yourself like a damn queen.