If You're 1 Of These 3 Zodiac Signs, This Week Will Feel Like Absolute Cake
The past few weeks have been one hell of an interesting time, and air signs are loving it. When the sun is in erratic, rebellious, individualistic, and community-oriented Aquarius, everyone's inner weirdo comes out to play. You feel more comfortable with all things strange and abnormal than usual, letting everyone be encouraged to embrace their true selves. Some of us are feeling this more than others, an as of February 11, 2019, this will be the best week for these zodiac signs: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Remember to check whether your sun or rising sign falls under any of the following zodiac signs.
Since it's the last week of Aquarius season and all, you're encouraged to totally go against the grain, fight for what you believe in, and refuse to let yourself fit in with the rest of the crowd. When aggressive Mars forms a conjunction with radical Uranus (which also happens to be Aquarius's ruling planet) on Feb. 13, this individualistic energy will only be amplified. Make no mistake: This week is about breaking the rules, leaving restrictions aside, and doing things your own way. Let the idea of freedom guide you forward, because the cosmos want you to see just how many possibilities lie on the horizon. The world is so much bigger than you realize and life is way too short to only get to know one corner of it.
Gemini: You're Seeing The Big Picture And Loving It
You better do something mind-blowing and blood-pumping this week because the sun is in your ninth house of adventure and philosophy for only a little while longer. While the sun has been in this house, it's been encouraging you to get out of your comfort zone and fly away. It's been asking you to stop concentrating on small, insignificant details and open your eyes to the big picture. Don't let the meaningless things get you down when there is so much meaning out there that you've yet to uncover.
You'd be doing yourself a favor if you spent this week traveling out of town, learning something new, or diving in to some realigning meditations. Your soul yearns for it.
Libra: You're In The Mood To Live It Up And Have Fun
You really deserve to have a good time this week because it's the last week that the sun will be dancing its way through your fifth house of fun and pleasure. This house is all about creativity, art, childhood, and the spice of life, so do yourself a favor and try your best to let go of anxiety and worry over things you have no control over. Instead, tap into that imaginative and whimsical spark of your inner child that has never died. Blow on it until it rages into a rainbow-infused fire.
Your homework this week is to dance like nobody's watching, paint a horrible painting, and laugh. A lot.
Aquarius: You're Learning Something Major About Yourself
You're in your final week of Aquarius season, so have you crowned yourself queen yet? Have you looked in the mirror and thanked every single part of your body for holding you together? Have you basked in your own awesomeness and rarity, knowing that there's no one else on this planet like you? If not, you've got another week left of your own season, so it's time to unapologetically fall madly and deeply in love with yourself.
After you've done that, take time to think about where you're headed next. What do you want to accomplish in the year ahead? What are you proud of for accomplishing so far? Thank yourself and push yourself even further.