
Donald Trump's First Re-Election Campaign Rally Made A Bold Claim About Democrats

by Shelby Black
Joe Raedle/Getty Images News/Getty Images

With the first round of 2020 presidential Democratic debates starting next week, it's time for the president to start kicking off his re-election campaign. On Tuesday, June 18, Trump supporters gathered in Orlando, Florida to watch the president announce his plans for the 2020 election. Well, in true fashion, Donald Trump's first re-election campaign rally was a lively event, and made some bold claims about the Democratic party's alleged plans.

While addressing the crowd at the Amway Center in Orlando, Florida, Trump discussed his plans for re-election, and claimed that Democrats are attempting to "destroy" the United States. He said,

Our radical Democrat opponents are driven by hatred, prejudice and rage. They want to destroy you and they want to destroy our country as we know it. Not acceptable. It's not going to happen.

Elite Daily reached out to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) for any comment, but did not immediately hear back. In the speech, Trump also mentioned Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russian operatives during the 2016 presidential election. The report concluded that there was not sufficient evidence to prove that the Trump campaign committed collusion, but that the Trump 2016 campaign had expected to benefit from Russian election meddling. However, the report also stated that the findings expressly do not exonerate nor condemn the president on obstruction of justice. The White House did not previously respond to Elite Daily's request for comment on the details alleged in the report. Trump went on to say that these probes into Russian election meddling have not only have affected him during his presidency, but will have a lasting impact on voters as well. He said,

They are really going after you. They tried to erase your vote, erase your legacy of the greatest campaign and the greatest election probably in the history of our country.

Following Trump's words, the crowd erupted in familiar chants including "lock her up," "build the wall," and more.

When it comes to the game of politics, tension is inevitable. However, in this political climate, the verbal attacks are only getting more heated. Over the weeks, as 2020 Democratic candidates started announcing their bid for presidency, many of them took aim at Trump in their campaign videos.

On Thursday, April 25, former Vice President Joe Biden announced that he would be running for president in the 2020 election through a video he shared on social media. In the video, Biden mentioned the violence during the August 2017 Charlottesville, Virginia white supremacist rally, in which many counter-protesters were injured and counter-protester Heather Heyer was killed. Biden said that he thought President Trump's response to the tragedy was unacceptable, after the president put the blame on "both sides" and claimed that he believed a few of the white nationalists were "fine people." In the video, Biden pushed against Trump's response, and told watchers that giving Trump another four years in the White House would "forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation."

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio also took aim at Trump in his May 16 video announcing his 2020 campaign. After speaking on issues pertaining to the working class, de Blasio turned his attention on the New York City-born president, where he called Trump a "bully" and claims he "knows how to take him on."

Trump's words at the Orlando, Florida campaign rally is probably just a taste of what we can expect later in the 2020 presidential election. It's no secret that Trump definitely has feelings about the Democratic party, but they certainly have their own feelings about the president as well. Buckle up, everyone.