Chrissy Teigen's Tweet About The State Of The Union Is So Epic
President Donald Trump made his first official State of the Union address to Congress on Tuesday evening, Jan. 30. Usually, during highly publicized events like this one, you could expect to hear some thoughts from the president himself on Twitter. Since Trump will be occupied at the podium, you'll have some delayed tweets from the Commander in Chief, but that doesn't meant that all Twitter commentary will be dormant during the State of the Union address. Needless to say, Chrissy Teigen's tweet about the State of the Union is not to be missed.
You might not automatically think of Teigen when talking about politics, but if you've been following her on Twitter, then you know she always has something to say (and it's usually hilariously shady). Given the sheer amount of daily news that comes out of the Trump White House, it's actually not all that surprising that Teigen has found her niche in tweeting about President Trump.
And on Tuesday evening, with the State of the Union speech in full swing in Washington D.C., Teigen was back at it again to say something snarky about the president. Teigen retweeted a video that shows her apparently doing some magic, and she labeled it "Important:". The video was tweeted out by Rick Martínez (@rickmzp), and he shared the hilarious video of Teigen's "magic" trick with the caption, "The State of our Union is that just when you thought @chrissyteigen already did everything, she now does magic."
It appears that Teigen shared a video to her Snapchat that shows her making what is presumably a ladel "float" in the air. I don't know if it's magic or actually floating, but I am totally OK with this being the State of the Union.
Teigen made a habit of expertly trolling Trump even before he was president. Back in 2011 — around the same time that Donald Trump was perpetuating the "birther" campaign that falsely claimed then President Barack Obama might not have been born in the United States (spoiler: Obama was born in Hawaii) — she tweeted about finding herself in a Trump Tower Starbucks:
Just realized I am at a Starbucks inside a Trump building. I knew it smelled psychotic and racist here.
Fast forward to the ever unexpected Trump presidency in 2017.
By now, Teigen is an old pro at crafting quippy tweets meant to dig at the president. Apparently those tweets weren't simply sent out into the internet abyss, because President Trump took notice in July 2017.
Teigen tweeted out a screenshot that alerted her to the fact that President Trump (@realDonaldTrump) blocked her on Twitter. The kicker is that the likely tweet that sent POTUS over the edge was a reply from Teigen that read, "lol no one likes you."
Even though President Trump blocked Teigen on Twitter, she persevered by trolling him to her almost 9.7 million other Twitter followers. Most recently, she took aim at the president's "Fake News" awards, which were originally slated for Jan. 5 but then postponed to Jan. 17 due to the interest being "far greater than anyone could have anticipated," according to the president.
Even with the great interest, it appeared that an actual awards show wasn't happening (the list of "winners" was posted on the RNC website). Enter Teigen. She posted a video to Twitter showing off the awards show set-up she put together, including homemade drawings of the presumed "nominees," including the likes of MSNBC, CNN, and "Fake Tapper."
There's no way to know if Trump got a look at Teigen's efforts (since he blocked her, of course), but I truly hope that this video somehow found its way to him.
Whether or not President Trump has eyes on Teigen's tweets, her loyal followers are definitely enjoying her thoughts on POTUS.