Channing Tatum Posted A Tribute To Jenna Dewan On Mother's Day & I'm Sobbing
Can we talk about Channing Tatum for a sec? Because the dude just basically won Mother's Day when he shared a seriously sweet shoutout on his Instagram story for his ex, and OMG it's all so bittersweet. Just as I was finally starting to get over the fact that these two had split up, Channing Tatum's Mother's Day video for Jenna Dewan broke my heart into a billion jagged pieces all over again. Do I sound mad? I'm not. Really. The whole thing was just so beautiful, and you kind of need to see it.
First, lemme set the stage for you. Tatum is standing on the side of a road somewhere, rocking a baseball hat turned sideways, while the sun sets behind him. "Happy Mother’s Day everybody," he said in the clip, which was posted to his Instagram story. "Jenna, happy Mother’s Day, baby. Mama, happy Mother’s Day, hope you’re enjoying this beautiful sunset. Love you guys."
Can you even breathe right now? Because I can't. He called Dewan "baby," you guys! Baby! Not gonna lie, I played this thing about five times — OK, 10 — just to make sure. But nine words in, there it is — baby. Can these two just get back together already because I seriously don't think my heart can take another second of this.
See what I mean? It's freaking amazing, right? Doesn't it seem like he still loves her? Doesn't it?! I mean, if these two can't make it work, the rest of us are so, so screwed.
Just to recap, Tatum and Dewan announced they were separating just a little over a month ago after almost nine years of marriage. They issued a joint statement via Twitter on April 2, completely shocking and devastating their fans.
"We have lovingly chosen to separate as a couple," they wrote. "We fell deeply in love so many years ago and have had a magical journey together. Absolutely nothing has changed about how much we love one another, but love is a beautiful adventure that is taking us on different paths for now. There are no secrets nor salacious events at the root of our decision — just two best-friends realizing it’s time to take some space and help each other live the most joyous, fulfilled lives as possible. We are still a family and will always be loving dedicated parents to Everly. We won’t be commenting beyond this, and we thank you all in advance for respecting our family’s privacy."
It was the breakup post to end all breakup posts. I mean, they called their journey "magical" and referred to their love as a "beautiful adventure." I know couples who aren't even that nice to each other when they're still together! Bottom line? I will ship these two forever, and I will never stop hoping for them to reconcile. Never.
Meanwhile, it looks like Dewan really did have a happy Mother's Day, even though it was her first time flying solo. "I always want Mother's Day to be, like, family," the World of Dance star explained to Entertainment Tonight prior to the big day. "I want to do something together, I want to be with Evie, and just have a really nice day." Looks like she got her wish, because she shared her own adorable video in honor of the holiday — a Boomerang of her dancing with her daughter.
"A Danskin Mother’s Day," she captioned the clip of two of them leaping across the floor. So cute! I just hope that adorable little mini-me didn't try to go all domestic and whip her mama up some breakfast.
"I mean, that would be terrifying," Dewan told ET. "No one wants Evie cooking breakfast for anybody ever."