Chance The Rapper Just Took Flamin' Hot To A New Level In His Super Bowl Commercial
Have you ever seen something so beautiful and pure, it sort of makes you want to cry? If you're looking for an example, I'll give you one: on the night of my wedding, my husband and I came back to the Airbnb we were staying at to take in the events of the day. But what I didn't know is that my husband got me... a family-sized bag of Doritos to enjoy while doing so, because Doritos are my all-time favorite snack (or meal, depending on the kind of day it is). Is that not the most perfect gift to give to your bride? And now, Chance the Rapper's Dorito commercial lyrics have basically put into words just how magical a bag of Doritos truly is, and I am bawling from happiness.
By now, I'm sure you're aware that the Backstreet Boys partnered with Chance the Rapper for a Doritos Super Bowl commercial after a couple teasers debuted on Jan. 24 showing off our five favorite men in what can only be described as super throwback attire, trying to teach the 25-year-old rap star their choreography for the legendary hit song, "I Want It That Way." Yup, AJ McLean, Howie Dorough, Nick Carter, Kevin Richardson, and Brian Littrell are back at it again in honor of Doritos' new Flamin' Hot Nacho flavor, and I couldn't be happier.
It was only 20 seconds long, but it was, quite possibly, the best 20 seconds of my life:
That is, of course, until today, when the Doritos commercial featuring Chance the Rapper and the Backstreet Boys in its entirety premiered.
The commercial starts off with Chance the Rapper daydreaming while eating the new flavored Doritos, while "I Want It That Way" starts playing subtly in the background, before a new beat makes its way into the clip, making the song turn into a glorious modern remix. I can't pinpoint exactly why, but it is so good, you guys.
That's when Chance the Rapper goes into total slay mode, killing it with hilarious, Doritos-inspired lyrics. Part of the lyrics he raps go,
Ooh, hot stuff all over my nachos, walking like a taco, driving over potholes, hotter than a pot roast/Fingers on my hot chips, red-handed come on man, now I'ma need some chopsticks/Quietly I leave the house, I need another outfit, flyer than a maggot on the wall inside a cockpit/Speaking of desire man you're preaching to the choir man, my tongue is doing fine but the roof is on fire
And just when you think it truly can't get any better, the Backstreet Boys join Chance and nail a choreographed dance in their iconic white-on-white outfits from the original "I Want It That Way." Don't tell me you don't remember, because we all know full well that you do.
Check the whole video out below and fall in love with everything about it, just like I did:
The Backstreet Boys. Doritos. Chance The Rapper. Seriously, what's not to love?
And honestly, the new Flamin' Hot Nacho flavor chip sounds like it's going to be my new favorite addiction. According to Doritos' description of the new snack,
The new product brings together the fan favorite flavor, Flamin’ Hot, with the OG nacho cheese. The result is a new taste experience that starts with the original nacho cheese flavor fans know and love, followed by a kick of heat that continues to build.
So remember to tune in to the Super Bowl LIII, which airs live on CBS on Sunday, Feb. 3. Not going to judge if you're looking forward to the commercials more than the actual game, because I feel that on a spiritual level.