
Jimin From BTS & Jimmy Fallon Are Actually Better Friends Than You May Think

by Noelle Devoe

On my list of favorite things that came out of 2018 (which is admittedly short, since it was a straight-up dumpster fire of a year), two of the things that come pretty close to the very top of the list are: 1) my newfound love for BTS, and 2) BTS member Jimin's bromance with Tonight Show host, Jimmy Fallon. I know there are some haters, doubters, and trolls out there that have the nerve to ask, "Are BTS' Jimin and Jimmy Fallon friends? Like really friends?" And if you ask me, the answer is a resounding, "Hell yeah they are!" But some doubt the authenticity of their relationship. Well, I'm here to argue that what they have is real. OK? And this timeline of their relationship will make you a true believer in their friendship.

Sept. 25, 2018: BTS Appears On The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon

Now, don't get me wrong. Although this timeline is highlighting Jimin's individual connection with Jimmy Fallon, the late-night host and BTS have love for each other in general. That was made clear very early on on Sep. 25, when J-Hope took to Twitter to share a video of the boys backstage at the show looking super excited to be there.

J-Hope presumably took this little clip after they finished shooting the hilarious dance segment that they filmed for the show called "The Fortnite Dance Challenge" in which Jimin, Jungkook, V, RM, Suga, Jin, and J-Hope were all challenged to recreate an iconic Fortnite dance.

Check out the segment below:

Now, at this point, Jimin and Fallon's unique connection isn't jumping out, but there were a few clues that the boys had struck up a friendship.

First, Fallon shared this photo teasing the boys' upcoming interview in which Jimin is looking at Fallon with the most adorable smile on his face with his arms open wide as if he could embrace Fallon in a hug of true friendship any second.

Then, did you catch Jimin asking Fallon, "You OK? You OK?" to make sure he was still in good shape after trying with all his might to keep up with B-friggin'-TS in a dance challenge? (Brave, I know.)

I'm not OK, Jimin. I am not OK.

But these are admittedly crumbs. The true show of their budding friendship really came during the boys' actual interview.

When the boys danced out onto the stage to greet Fallon, Jimin noticed that Fallon was wearing a Chimmy headband (a piece of BTS merch inspired by Jimin). Realizing that Fallon was giving him a huge shoutout, Jimin bolted over to him to address the pointed wardrobe choice. Now, Jimin is not fluent in English, but it's clear that a language barrier was no match for Jimin and Fallon's chemistry. Jimin communicated his love for Fallon's headband by pointing enthusiastically between Fallon and himself before hugging Fallon and buckling over in a fit of giggles.

"I had to! We have the same name practically!" Fallon exclaimed as Jimin went to his seat laughing. "I'm not picking favorites, I swear!" he insisted (although, every ARMY can recognize the moment a bias is born and Fallon clearly had one from the start).

Then Jimin delivered a gem that will go down in the history books as one of the most charming moments ever when he said to Fallon, "You look so cute."

Are you seeing this? The connection jumped out. (And remember this moment. We'll come back to it later.)

During the interview, all the members of BTS introduced themselves one by one as fans screamed and cheered for each member, but when it came to Jimin, Fallon couldn't stop himself from jumping in to hype his main man up.

"My man, here we go. Come on," Fallon shouted as Jimin was about to introduce himself.

Then, Jimin stood up and said, "Hey Jimmy! I'm Jimin!" The crowd went wild and Fallon and Jimin hugged again. Like, could they be any cuter?

But, remember, Fallon does not have have a favorite band member. Really, he doesn't.

You can check out that whole, adorable interview below:

Sept. 26, 2018: Chimmy Fallon Goes Viral

JK. Fallon totally has a bias and his name is Park Jimin.

The day after BTS' appearance on The Tonight Show, Twitter was UwU-ing hard over all of Jimmy Fallon and Jimin's cute interactions. That's when Fallon decided it was time to wave his Jimin-biased flag high, writing on Twitter, "Everyone has a different fav. It’s almost obvious who’s mine. Love, Jimin Fallon #BTSonFALLON"

Yeah, I'm guessing his fave has a name that sounds a lot like Jimmy.

Oct. 6, 2018: Jimmy Wishes BTS Luck

But Fallon's connection with BTS and Jimin goes way beyond a few hugs and charming exchanges during one interview. After that initial interview, a true friendship clearly blossomed.

When BTS was set to perform a historic show at Citi Field Stadium in NYC on Oct. 6, 2018 (making them the first K-Pop act ever to play a U.S. stadium), Fallon sent the band a video personally congratulating them and cheering them on. And of course, he had to add a little nod to his main man Jimin by wearing — what else? — a Chimmy onesie.

Coincidentally, a Q&A video BTS filmed in partnership with iHeartRadio dropped on YouTube the same day Fallon sent this little message to BTS and, in it, the boys gave Fallon the ultimate shoutout.

When asked by a fan if there was anything they noticed at their American shows that was different from other countries, after shooting off some things like the American waiting rooms, studios, and the smell of equipment (lol), V offered this: "I think on American broadcasts they encourage a more free and carefree atmosphere."

When asked to elaborate, Jungkook and Jimin jumped in to help V explain.

"You relax," Jungkook said.

"They treat you like friends," Jimin chimed in.

"Regardless of age," V added.

"Like Jimmy Fallon," RM said.

And that's when Jimin says happily, almost to himself, "Jimmy and Jimin."

You can scrub to the 4:11 mark in the video below to catch the moment.

Ummmmm, can you not, Jimin! I'm trying not to melt today!

If that doesn't prove Fallon left a lasting impression on Jimin, I don't know what will!

Oct. 7, 2018: Jimin Responds

Jimin didn't respond to Fallon's Twitter shoutout immediately (he was kinda busy focusing on a historic performance at that U.S. stadium I mentioned). But in the early hours of the next day (I'm talking 2 a.m.), he caught wind of Fallon's message.

Remember when I told you to remember the cute little moment Jimin said Fallon looked cute wearing his Chimmy headband? Well, Jimin's response was the cleverest little callback to their meet-cute way back in September.

He wrote, "Thanks jimmy! You look so cute!! See you soon!!" See what he did there?

Witty king.

Dec. 7, 2018: Jimmy Says He's Still In Contact With Jimin

During a Q&A Fallon conducted with fans on Instagram Live, they couldn't help but inquire about his growing friendship with BTS and Jimin, with one fan asking, "How's BTS? Still in contact with Jimin?"

Fallon was more than willing to share a status update, responding, "Yeah, I'm in contact with him. He's my dude." He's his dude, y'all!

He then went on to congratulate the boys on their many 2018 MAMA Award wins and said that he wanted BTS back on The Tonight Show.

We all want BTS back on The Tonight Show, Jimmy. Join the club!

While I'm sure Fallon and Jimin aren't DMing each other on the regs or anything, it's clear Fallon is keeping tabs on the boys and all the amazing things they're up to (how else would he have known about their MAMA win?).

Dec. 30, 2018: Jimmy Congratulates Jimin On His Solo Single

Speaking of keeping tabs on the boys, when Jimin dropped his first solo single "Promise" (you know, that one that smashed Drake's SoundCloud record for biggest first-day debut?), Fallon was one of the first big celebrities to show Jimin and the new track love on Twitter.

"Oooohhhhhhhh my man #JIMIN with a solo jam!!" Jimmy wrote in a tweet. "I love it. Congrats!! 💜Your brother, Chimmy."

Did you see that? Fallon called Jimin his brother. I'm sobbing!

And then, to make this moment of brotherly love and support even sweeter, Jimin swiftly responded, writing, "Ooooooohhhhhh my mannnnnn. Thank you!! Happy new year," with a few well-placed blushing and thumbs up emojis.

Who knew that one interview appearance could lead to such an epic friendship — and in just a few, short months!

I know it's all playing out via social media at the moment (can ya blame them when BTS is on the go 24/7 on their world tour while Fallon's based in NYC?), but it seems like Jimin and Fallon (and BTS) are more than eager to reunite for another fun time in the near future. And can you imagine how epic that reunion will be?!

Plus, BTS will be promoting a new album soon, according to recent reports, so maybe that reunion will happen sooner than we all think!

Well, that's all for now, but certainly not the end of this blossoming friendship. Are you a believer in Chimmy Fallon (or is it Jimimmy?), because I know I am!