
These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have The Best Week, So Go Ahead & Fist Pump

by Roya Backlund

There are weeks scattered with dark splotches of gray and then weeks bursting with lively color. Everybody deserves to embrace it all, for every single shade carries meaning. Starting April 23, 2018, this will be the best week for these zodiac signs: Aries, Gemini, and Sagittarius. If you're seriously still sleeping on this news, it's time to wake up and start living. The color can't reach you if you're not paying attention.

Although Pluto and Saturn are still testing your strength through some heavy retrograde action, there are sparkling planetary transitions taking place this week. With the sun in Taurus already infusing our souls with sensuality and planting our feet firmly on the ground, it all just adds more sparkle to everything. Venus is making a beautiful move into flitting and fluttering Gemini on April 24, so we are all are about to become a lot more flirtatious. You'll be able to sweet talk your way out of any situation.

This week ends on an even more powerful and intense note: a full moon in Scorpio on April 29. All the intentions you set on the new moon in Aries last week will unfold like budding roses opening their aromatic petals. What makes this lunar cycle so special is that it begins in Aries and ends in Scorpio. Both of these signs are ruled by Mars, so expect this week to be pulsating with power.

Aries: You're About To Get Rich, Baby

You're in a perfect position to make some serious moves in your bank account this week. The sun in Taurus is already infusing your second house of money with productivity. You're already feeling grounded in your career, but when a zodiac sign as materialistic and wealth-seeking as Taurus is giving you motivation, all bets are off. There's no financial goal you won't be able to tackle.

This is all just reinforced by the fact that when Venus transitions into charismatic Gemini on April 24, it will also be drizzling fairy dust on your second house, making this a time for luck money. Feel free to ask for a raise, haggle for better prices, or put your foot down on how much your services are worth. You'll be able to talk your way into more money with ease.

Gemini: You're Back To Your Charming & Clever Self

Although Saturn and Pluto are dragging you down in your complicated eighth house of reincarnation, things are definitely looking up this week. On April 24, Venus will be making a revitalizing move into your sign and you'll majorly enjoy the feeling. Last week had you wondering whether or not you deserve to loved. You may have felt like nothing is going your way, like your powers of persuasion have come to a screeching halt. With Venus in your world, you'll remember just how attractive and charismatic you are.

This energy is exactly what you need right now because with your dramatic eighth house emanating intensity, there's a lot of drama boiling beneath the surface. This week, you'll remember how strong you are. You'll feel motivated to transform your world into a better place.

Sagittarius: Your Love Life Will Be A Lot A Lot Hotter

The past few months haven't been easy in the love department. Mercury, your love planet, was in retrograde for three whole weeks. Your concerns have been mostly about work and independence, even if you've been yearning for that special someone. Cupid's pointing his arrow in all the right places this week, especially with Venus moving into your opposite sign, Gemini, on April 24. This will shoot affectionate energy into your seventh house of partnerships, making it that much easier for you to make a meaningful connection.

The full moon in possessive and intense Scorpio on April 29 can allow a close relationship to form. You may be surprised by someone's declaration of love for you or feel swept away by the last person you'd expect. Regardless, a beautiful, romantic twist is bound to occur.