
The Advice You Should Follow During Mercury Retrograde, According To Your Zodiac Sign

Be honest. When something goes wrong, are you immediately wondering: "Is Mercury in retrograde?" If you're a follower of the cosmos, you know all about the chaos that our planet of communication, technology, and transportation is capable of. Although Mercury is only in retrograde three to four times per year, with a backward tailspin that lasts around three weeks (excluding the pre- and post-shadow periods), it can wreak some serious havoc in a short amount of time. Exes pop up out of nowhere, traffic jams are apocalyptic, travel delays are out of this world, computers jam-packed with data crash, and these are just a few examples of the terror that can take place. Even though you might be groaning in surrender, I've got all the advice to follow during November 2018's Mercury retrograde, so start taking notes.

Beginning on Nov. 16, the last Mercury retrograde of the year takes place in spontaneous, truth-seeking, and future-oriented Sagittarius. Ironic, isn't it? While Mercury will be moving backward, Sagittarius just wants to move forward. The conflict of interest will most certainly be palpable. And, just to make this transit even more interesting, Mercury will eventually travel so far back in time that it will re-enter Scorpio on Dec. 1, but that deserves its own conversation. For now, let's just talk about how you can survive Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius.


Your perspective of life will be challenged during this period. It's time to reassess the philosophies you believe in and bring yourself closer to the truth. Be extra cautious and organized about travel plans, for delays are likely. Make sure you're not placing too much faith in something that doesn't truly serve you. Idealization could hurt you.


Is there an even give and take in your relationships? Are both parties respecting each other's needs? This retrograde will call attention to your most intimate bonds. Avoid major financial commitments and pay off your debts. Let go of the past and look to the future. Problems in the sheets? Talk to your sexual partner and make your needs known.


Reassess the state of your closest partnerships, such as a marriage or with a colleague. Make sure your relationship is well-defined. Engage in constructive conversations that can clarify confusion. However, don't impulsively sever ties in the heat of the moment. Ex-partners may resurface. It could be a good time to find closure.


Your routine will probably be all sorts of disorganized. Review all the ways you've been procrastinating and start formulating a plan for how you can be more efficient. However, don't be too hard on yourself. This is a time for trial and error. Are you taking care of yourself? Are you eating right and prioritizing mental health? Think about detoxing.


You may feel stagnant in your creativity, so don't start a long artistic project just yet. Instead, interact with existing art and review art you've already created. Don't force inspiration to happen, and rethink your relationship with joy. Are you living in the present moment? Are negative thought patterns hindering the joy you could be having?


Childhood trauma may creep up during this time. Talk it through with someone you trust and work on healing. At odds with family members? Think about how you can work things out. Do you feel comfortable at home? Is your space flowing with positive energy? Think about ways you can improve and redesign your environment.


You'll be very susceptible to disorganization and anxiety during this time. Make a list of every precaution you should take and accomplish one small thing at a time. Don't overwhelm your plate. Be extra cautious about how you communicate with others, especially over email or text. Double-check everything before hitting send.


Take a look at your relationship with money. Have you been spending frivolously? Are you placing too much of your happiness on materialistic standards? What do you really need in order to feel comfortable and secure? It may have nothing to do with — or everything to do with — money. Think about what needs to change.


Are you happy with the way you're being perceived? It may be time to revamp your image and rethink the energy you send out into the world. Changes such as a new hair cut, updating your website, or rethinking the way you treat first impressions are all things you should consider. However, wait until after Mercury Rx to commit.


You'll be going through a soul-upheaval, and your intuition will be reminding you of truths that cannot be avoided. Listen closely, because your gut will tell you who and what to trust. Dedicate time to peace and solitude, for you'll be especially vulnerable to energy vampires. Rejuvenate your spiritual state of mind.


You may suddenly feel at odds with your community. Instead of engaging in drama, it may be time to withdraw from taxing social environments and rest. Rethink the people you're spending time with. Get closure from relationships in your past. Chances are, old friends will resurface. Say everything that you never got to say.


Take a close look at your career. Are you on the right path? Are you doing something you love? Are you being adequately compensated? Conflict and dissatisfaction in the workplace is likely. Make sure to prioritize your mental health and engage in constructive conversations. Don't make impulsive decisions about your job.