You’ll Cringe At This Bride Who Asked Her Pregnant Bridesmaid Not To Flaunt Her Baby Bump
Weddings are typically all about the happy couple. Sure, you want your family and friends to have a good time, but ultimately, it's the bride and groom's big day. However, it's easy for a bride or groom who planned their dream wedding to start acting a little too controlling. Of course, it all depends on how you look at it. Pretty much everyone has heard at least one story about a controlling "bridezilla", but there are two sides to every story, including one in which a bride asked her pregnant bridesmaid to not flaunt her baby bump in photos. Yes, this really happened. No, I am not kidding.
Taking to a Reddit thread called, "Am I The As*hole?", the bride chronicled the events of the big day and asked users whether or not she was the "bad guy" in the situation. Long story short: The bride in question admitted that she asked her bridesmaid not to hold her hand on her baby bump while they were taking wedding photos. Then, the bridesmaid said she was offended by it. So, is there a right or wrong side to this story? Obviously, weddings are a big deal, and so it makes sense that tensions would be high on the big day for both the bride and the bridesmaid.
This is exactly what the bride wrote:
I got married three weeks ago and one of my bridesmaids is about 7 months pregnant (let's call her Kate). Kate's belly was easily accommodated into the dress style because it had quite a flowy skirt with a fitted bust. Between the ceremony and reception, we had a few hours worth of professional photos taken with just the wedding party.
In one of the first photos I noticed Kate was deliberately holding her belly so it was really obvious in the fabric of her dress (think basically every maternity shoot photo ever taken). I asked her to stop holding her hands to show off her belly and to just pose like everyone else. I had to remind her a few more times before we'd finished taking the wedding party photos.I was away for a week on our honeymoon and when I got back I hadn't heard from Kate, despite texting her, and we usually talk every couple of days. I felt she was avoiding me.
Today another of my bridesmaids confirmed that Kate is pissed at me because I was 'trying to make her look fat, not pregnant' during the photos. Now I'm annoyed because I paid a lot of money for a wedding photo shoot, not maternity pics. But I don't know, am I the asshole?
As I said, it's a complicated situation. Users were also torn, as they understood that the bride didn't want attention taken away from her on her wedding day, but also understood that the bridesmaid might have felt insecure in her dress. As one user replied, "those are your wedding photos, and there is absolutely no reason someone should be deliberately showing off their 'baby bump' to take away from the bride in a photo."
On the other hand, users made the point that the bridesmaid couldn't help being pregnant, and likely just wanted to be comfortable. "Is it attention seeking to be visibly pregnant at someone else’s wedding?" someone asked. "Because it seems like the bride (and a lot of commenters) are treating this girl like she maliciously planned to take over the wedding by not hiding her pregnancy, which is insane to me." Again, there is truth to both sides of the story, and it likely seems that this was a case of miscommunication and a lot of stress.
Hopefully, these two friends can work it out, because it would suck for a friendship to completely end over this. Brides and bridesmaids are supposed to be there for each other, pregnancies and wedding photos aside.