Do Any Of These Unique Activities With Your Crew This Weekend For All The Insta Envy

by Rachel Chapman

Let's be honest: The weekend can never come soon enough. It's a time to sleep in, hang with your besties, and do everything you've been daydreaming about doing when you're at work all week. I cherish my weekends because it's finally time for me to chill with my squad and fill up my Instagram feed with pictures of all the adventures we go on. If you're looking to flood your Insta with major envy, you might want to consider unique things to do on the weekend with your crew.

These activities are more than just the typical Sunday brunch and rom-com marathon night on Friday. As much as you love those, you're looking to switch things up. Especially with spring right around the corner, you and your squad want to make each weekend worthy of your free time.

So, if your friend group is seeking something totally new, you might want to consider any of these eight activities that are made for tons of Insta story videos and snaps. Pretty soon, you'll be finding everyone in your feed commenting that they wish they were part of your crew, and you'll know for sure that you guys are the true definition of #squadgoals.

1. Try Your Hand At Wine Making


If your crew can't get enough of testing out new wines, you might want to bring your own bottle to the party. If you're 21 or older, sign up for a class where you get to make and blend your own wine.

At the end of the class, you'll have the chance to take your bottle home to enjoy while watching a rom-com with your squad all decked out in your cutest pajamas and fluffy slippers. What's better than that?

Go On A Hike To A Spot With Quality Sunset #Views


What's not to love about a saturated sunset pic on the 'Gram? It guarantees you automatic likes, so reach that Insta envy by going on a sunset hike with your friends. Find a spot that's perfect to kick back, relax, and have a picnic while you wait for the sun to meet the horizon line. Then, at the magic hour, take a bunch of selfies with all of the pretty colors in the background.

Sip And Stretch At A Wine Yoga Class


You may have tried aerial yoga and even goat yoga before, but have you signed up for "drunk yoga" yet? If not, consider rounding up your besties and giving it a try (if you're 21 or older).

Find a wine yoga class for you and your friends who love to sip, and work on mastering your tree pose. A cute pic posing with your glass and friends while stretching? Necessary.

Get Away For A Dude Ranch Weekend


You and your squad are chasing experiences over anything. When the weather's nice, you'd much rather be making memories in the great outdoors than sitting at home watching TV. So, use this weekend to get away by renting a room or cozy cabin at a dude ranch with lots of Insta opps, hiking, line dancing, and maybe even horseback riding.

Have A Fur-Real Fun Time On A Group Dog Walk

Hrecheniuk Oleksii/Shutterstock

In my opinion, there's nothing that does better on the 'Gram than a cute pup. If you and your friends have adorable fur babies at home, take them out for a group dog walk.

Not only will your pups get some exercise, but they have the opportunity to socialize with their furry friends! You'll snap the most pawesome pics along the way that'll be so sweet to post on Instagram.

Get Out Of Town On A Quick Road Trip To Someplace New

Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock

Many people have a little bit (or a lot) of wanderlust inside that makes them want to get out of town. Jump in the car, and head someplace new — even if just for the day — for a fun road trip. Your followers on Instagram will be super envious of your spontaneous adventure. You'll never know what fun and Insta-worthy things you'll see along the way.

Find A Street Fair Filled With Delicious Food Trucks

Josep Suria/Shutterstock

I love liking every avocado toast and pastry pic I see on Instagram. If you're a foodie as well, you and your friends will have a great time checking out different menu items at a street fair with food trucks. Your delicious pics will make everyone who follows you seriously drool.

Treat Yourself To A Glamping Spa Retreat

Dragon Images/Shutterstock

For a truly unique weekend plan, you and your squad can pamper yourselves at a spa — glamping style. At The Resort at Paws Up in Montana, you can spend the weekend relaxing in your chic glamping tent and treat yourself to a serene spa treatment. Don't forget to snap a selfie in your plush robes!