These Disney Challenges On TikTok Are So Much Fun & I Ain't Lion
By now, you're probably pretty familiar with the most trending TikTok challenges, like #FlipTheSwitch and #BlindingLights. You've seen them all, but have you spotted the Disney challenges on TikTok? As a true Disney lover, it's time for you to step up to the challenge and try your hand at some of those, too.
If dancing or lip syncing aren't really your jam, no worries. Most of these Disney TikTok challenges are pretty simple and LOL-worthy. You already know and love the classic films, which is basically step one. For someone who has seen The Lion King a million times, you'll get a kick out of the #SimbaChallenge. Fans of Disney Channel Original Movies will recognize quite a few of these as well. All you need to do is start with one challenge. Recruit your roomies or best friends to be in the TikTok video with you. By the end, you'll want to check off every single one on this list.
Reward yourself for being a Disney TikTok challenge champ by making some Mickey-shaped treats and streaming your favorite Disney films. You never know, you may be inspired to start your own Disney TikTok challenge from your favorite movie, park ride, or TV show. The magical possibilities are endless.
01The #SimbaChallenge
A funny Disney challenge you can do to your best friend or partner is the #SimbaChallenge. It's basically copying the first scene from The Lion King when Rafiki smears something red on Simba's forehead. With "The Circle of Life" playing, put some red lipstick on your thumb and surprise your bestie by smearing it on their forehead.
02The #DisneyChannelChallenge
You likely remember those "and you're watching Disney Channel" bumpers that played all the time on the Disney Channel. The Jonas Brothers and Miley Cyrus have all done them, and now, it's your turn. Turn on the Nose Painter effect on TikTok, state your name, and then try to draw the Mickey Mouse-shaped logo for the #DisneyChannelChallenge.
03The #WereAllInThisTogether Challenge
Ashley Tisdale of High School Musical started a glorious trend of people dancing to "We're All In This Together" on TikTok. Since you've watched the DCOM musical about a hundred times, you probably already know the moves. All that's left is for you to record yourself and post your content with #WereAllInThisTogether.
04The #CampRock2 Challenge
If you want to play a little prank on bae, convince them to do the #CampRock2 challenge with you. The key is to make sure they haven't seen it before. Then, tell them to lip sync to the song "Wouldn't Change a Thing" from Camp Rock 2 with a door between you two. As they start really belting it out, you can slip away for all the LOLs.
05The #WeRock Challenge
Another Camp Rock challenge to try at home is the #WeRock challenge. Just like you know all the moves to "We're All In This Together," you may remember every single move from "We Rock." Dance along like you're performing in the final jam with Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas.
06The #DisneyMode Challenge
You may have seen the #BeautyMode challenge that shows a before and after look, but for Disney fans, there's #DisneyMode. It's fun scrolling through this hashtag as TikTokers start out in their normal clothes and transition into different DisneyBounds and cosplays.
07The #Ratatouille Challenge
Foodies will love the #Ratatouille challenge. It's all about showing off your cooking skills while the songs from the movie Ratatouille plays. Whether you're experienced in the kitchen or not, it'll make for a fun and yummy time.