18 Beautiful Books To Read In 2020 That Feature Interracial Love Stories

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William Morrow + Page Street Publishing
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Ideally, love has no bounds. Realistically, interracial relationships are not always without challenges. Mixed-race relationships can bring so much culture, joy, and love into both partners' lives, but they can also come with their own set of hurdles — ranging from scrutiny from others to misunderstandings about each other's experiences. Of course, plenty of these relationships are able to overcome those difficulties, and 2020 has introduced some incredible books featuring interracial relationships that are definitely worth a read.

It wasn't until 1967 that the Supreme Court's decision on Loving v. Virginia made American anti-miscegenation laws unconstitutional. Up until then, 16 states — all in the South — had laws prohibiting interracial marriages. As of 2015, 17% of newlywed couples were interracial couples, according to Pew Research Center, and that number continues to rise. Thankfully, representation of interracial couples in fiction has also grown. From fun rom-coms to heavy dramas that will pull at your heartstrings, 2020's best novels about interracial relationships explore all the tension and excitement of dating someone whose life experience is so different from your own.

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If you're in need of a good love story, then you'll want to add these titles to your TBR list ASAP.

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