Scrolling through Instagram on the day after Halloween is like the adult version of pouring all your trick-or-treating candy out on to your bed and taking inventory. While getting dressed up and going out can be fun, seeing all the amazing pictures of you, your boo, and your friends is like getting a whole bag full of king-sized candy bars. Of course, if you can't decide what to be for Halloween this year, looking through the 'gram can be a great source of costume inspiration. In fact, these Halloween 2019 couples costumes inspired by Instagram are almost begging to be posted.
Though perfecting your captions and filters is part of the process, it's important to remember that Instagram isn't only about the final product. Looking through your feed and finding new people or pages to follow can serve as great inspiration for some creative ideas of your own. Of course, when Oct. 31 rolls around, nailing your costume may be the only thing on your mind. And if you're totally stumped in the dress-up department, the 'gram may give you all the answers.
Here are 11 Instagram-inspired couples costumes for Halloween 2019 that may be more of a treat than trick.
01A Slide & The DMs
Perhaps you and your boo first got together by sliding into each other's DMs. Maybe you met somewhere IRL but flirted online for a while. Whatever your personal relationship to the direct message, dressing up as the phrase, "sliding into the DMs" is a sure crowd-pleaser.
If you're feeling really crafty, you can dress up at a literal slide, cut out a picture of a slide and tape it to your shirt, or maybe wear a Slip'N Slide Logo shirt. Have your date either make a DM with poster board or write DM on their shirt.
02Shadowban (A Shadow & A Ban)
Though you can't go wrong with a bedsheet ghost, dressing up with your boo as a shadowban, or a partial blocking on Instagram is a super #2019 way to celebrate Oct. 31. If you want to be super punny, wear all black, or print out a picture of a shadow and have your boo write a red "No" sign on their shirt, or have them hold a tube of Ban deodorant.
03Verified Badge (Blue & Check)
Ah, the coveted blue check. Wear all blue (or dress up as Blue Ivy Carter) and have your date go as a check from a restaurant or wear a shirt with a checkmark on it. If you wanted to do a play on Verified Badges (yes, that's literally what they're called), dress up as a verified document (or write "Verified" on your shirt) and have your date dress up as or hold a badge.
04A Like & A Comment
If you like acts of service and your partner prefers verbal affirmations, going as a "Like" and a "Comment" for Halloween could be silly and yet, entirely on point. For the "Like," wear a shirt with hearts on it or cut out a big red heart and paste it to your shirt. For "Comment," either write a comment directly on a white T-shirt or print out a funny comment from a celeb or one of your friends and tape it to your rockin' bod.
05Two Sides Of An Instagram Story Poll
Is there a more #2019 way to settle a disagreement with your partner than to make an Instagram story poll about it? Perhaps dressing up like the poll you were going to post on your Instagram story and asking everyone at the party to answer IRL! Whether you ponder Yanny or Laurel or ask if tiny sunglasses are cute, you and your date can dress as two sides of an Instagram story poll. If you're feeling crafty, you can make something out of cardboard or write something on your shirt. If you're feeling lazy, just ask your friends your poll question when they ask you what you're dressed as.
06A #Fitcouple
"Fitness Influencer Couple" is the 2019 version of "'80s Workout Couple." You know what they say — #traintogetherstaytogether ( literally says this). Wear leggings and your cutest sports bra or your favorite workout clothes and a pair of sneakers. Have your also date wear their favorite workout clothes and sneakers. Carry a green juice and a Blender Bottle (one of those protein shake containers with the metal ball inside). Bonus points if you do partner yoga in the middle of the party.
07The World Record-Breaking Egg & 53.7 Million Likes
The infamous World Record-breaking egg, also known as the most-liked photo on Instagram of all time really popped off the start of 2019 (or, shall we say, cracked off). If you're feeling crafty, you could make an egg costume out of poster board or cardboard. You could also buy an egg costume or wear all black and hold a real or fake egg. Have your date go as the staggering 53,764,878 (and counting) likes this egg has collected. They can make a big sign or tape "53,764,878 likes" onto their chest.
08Gwyneth Paltrow & Brad Falchuk (Or General Lifestyle Gurus)
Grab your açaí bowl and a jade egg and get ready to channel all the vibes of the party. Dressing up as Gwyneth Paltrow and Brad Falchuk or generic "lifestyle gurus" with your partner can be a very #aesthetic way to celebrate Oct. 31. Wear something chic, sleek, or boxy, preferably in white, tan, or olive, with minimal accessories and some sort of raffia bag full of Glossier products. Have your date wear either the same or complementing tones of brown, paired with lots of leather. Bonus points: refer to jeans as "denim" all night.
09Kylie Jenner & Travis Scott
Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott may be the "It Couple" of Instagram. With their posts collecting tens of millions of clicks, you certainly don't have to love them, but plenty of people "like" 'em. There are endless ways to go as the lip kit queen: with a long black wig and overdrawn lips, sporty clothes, or something technicolor and sexy. As for your date, if they don't want to go shirtless (a classic Travis Scott lewk), a T-shirt and jeans with sneakers and chains could do the trick.
10An #Ad & #SponsoredContent
Whether or not you and your boo personally enjoy making jokes about your #brand, branding as a marketing concept is here to stay. If you and your boo are always buying each other Polar Seltzer or if you love to have a date night at Buffalo Wild Wings (me), think about your relationship's #brand and dress up as a two-person #sponsored #ad costume. Ask your friends to take your picture and make sure they #tag #the #brands.
11#TBT Versions Of Yourself
Do you still remember that picture of the Eiffel Tower with a lot of "Vignette" and "Toaster" filter slapped on it, which you posted with the caption, "a #brb being Amélie"? You know, the one from your high school French club's trip to France that got three likes? I do. Recreating a totally cringe-y (and totally archived) post with your partner for Halloween 2019 can be a silly way to bring some #2011 Instagram trends back into life. If you're feeling sentimental, you and your boo can dress as you did in your first IG official post.
Whether you go as a shadow and a ban or take over the party in your #fitcouple getup, getting into the 'gram this Halloween can be super silly. If you love to dress up and your boo loves to post, an Instagram inspired Halloween couples costume may be all of your "likes" combined.