
Single Woman Have Better Orgasms, So Don't Delete Tinder Just Yet

by Oliver McAteer

Looking for a man to hold you tight through the winter months and tell you everything's going to be OK?


I repeat: Cease and desist all efforts to bag a partner this cuffing season.

There's good reason for it, too. A new study suggests single woman have better orgasms than those in a long-term relationship.

The results come from research spanning seven years by Finland's University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University.

Annika Gunst, from the University of Turku, looked into the evolution of female sexual desire.

Nearly 2,200 women were surveyed for the study. They were quizzed on intimate aspects of their sexual life, from their sexual satisfaction to feelings of pain during intercourse.

Researchers delved into data of premenopausal Finnish women — average age of around 25 — from 2006 and 2013.

The study revealed the most variable aspect of the women's sexual life was sexual satisfaction, but their ability to orgasm rose over the seven-year period.


Interestingly, the study suggested relationship status does have an impact on sexual desire.

The largest increase in the ability to orgasm was recorded among single women.

Orgasmic ability was lowest in women who had been in the same relationship for seven years.

Women who had entered into a new relationship in that time landed somewhere in between the two.

However, limitations of this study include the fact it may not account for short-term fluctuations in sexual desire. Also, researchers say participants are more likely to mark themselves higher because the survey is self-serving.

They added sexual dysfunction was not looked into as part of the study.

The study, published in the Psychological Medicine science journal, concludes,

Female sexual functions varied considerably over seven years and relationship status was of importance when assessing temporal stability and cross-domain effects. Our results advocate tailored psychobehavioral treatment interventions for female sexual dysfunctions that take partner-specific factors into account.

Citations: Cambridge, Medical News Today