Someone Is Taunting Trump With A Giant Inflatable Chicken Outside The White House
Why did the chicken cross the road? To stare angrily towards the Oval Office in silent criticism of the president's actions and decisions since taking office, apparently. Tweets about the Donald Trump chicken took off on social media on Aug. 9, after Washington D.C. — along with a whole bunch of reporters and TV news viewers — were confused to see a giant inflatable chicken with a coiffure resembling Donald Trump show up adjacent to the White House.
The inflatable chicken is the handiwork of a protester named Taran Singh Brar, a documentary filmmaker and organizer. He told reporters that the chicken was intended to criticize Trump for being “weak and ineffective as a leader,” The Boston Globe reported. Brar said,
He's too afraid to release his tax returns, too afraid to stand up to Putin, and he's now engaged in a game of chicken with Kim Jong Un.
He said that he had paid $1300 for the pneumatic poultry. Worth. Every. Penny.
The chicken was placed on a stretch of grass close to the White House called the Ellipse, which is open to the public. Best of all: Brar had a permit for his enormous fowl, per ABC News, so there was nothing to stop it from sitting there all day long. Which it did.
And Twitter was all about it.
Some took inspiration from it (hopefully, not for the hairstyle, though).
Note for anyone who's looking for a new project: Trump Chicken merch will apparently do well.
The market is there...
In a video, Brar explained his protest in concise terms.
But the best part of all might have been watching confused news anchors and reporters try to explain it.
"That chicken is not something that is normally present at that location behind the White House." What a shame.
Sadly, Trump wasn't around to see his barnyard doppelgänger.
The president is currently in New Jersey, spending his time taking meetings and threatening North Korea at his golf club in Bedminster. So he didn't get to enjoy seeing himself paid tribute as poultry.
Brar wasn't too broken up about it. "I realized it's actually better, because the [symbolism] works and the Secret Service won't be as jumpy," he told ABC News.
There's no need to sweat it. Going viral on Twitter might be the best way to ensure that the president sees your protest, anyway.