How To Book The Office Experience All-Nighter In Washington, D.C.
As Michael Scott once said, “An office is a place where dreams come true.”
Somehow, the office of a paper company is forever etched in our hearts as a parasocial second home. At the seemingly mundane Scranton branch of fictional Dunder Mifflin, fans of The Office fell in love with the eccentric and eclectic characters, as their silly and heartwarming stories unfolded over nine seasons. You can finally step into these familiar halls and conference rooms at The Office Experience coming to Washington, D.C. this fall, and it’s packed with show references, re-created scenes, and replica rooms for fans of The Office to experience the unassuming magic the show’s known for. Thanks to Booking.com’s “golden ticket idea,” you can even win the opportunity to pull an all-nighter in Dunder Mifflin to enjoy all the attraction has to offer, plus special accommodations. Here’s how to enter to win a night at The Office Experience in Washington, D.C.
You can transport from the capital city to the Electric City this November with a plus-one and relive all your favorite moments from “good old days” of The Office series. There are so many fond moments to look back on, from the hilarious lines uttered by the “World’s Best Boss” in Michael’s Scott's office and when Kevin’s chili exploded onto the carpet at reception, to when Dwight pulled the fire alarm and Angela threw her cat into the ceiling vent — and this experience includes so many easter eggs.
The immersive attraction was created in consultation with The Office’s U.S. creator, Greg Daniels, and is fully decorated with original props and costumes used by the actors across two floors. You can explore 17 different areas of set recreations that’ll take you from Pam’s desk, to the warehouse, to Ryan’s closet, and even Schrute farms (better brush up on your garden party etiquette).
Visitors can also relive iconic Office episodes like sumo fighting on “beach day” or stepping into the “Michael Scott Paper Company” office. There are so many goofy and sweet moments from the show to revisit and experience after years of marathon-watching and quoting lines with your friends. As the Scranton branch manager of Dunder Mifflin once said: “An office is for not dying. An office is a place to live life to the fullest, to the max … an office is a place where dreams come true.”
Because there’s so much to explore, Booking.com is offering a special overnight stay for Office fans. There will be two pairs of winners for The Office Experience, and the prize includes a one-night stay at the attraction, dinner for two at a D.C. restaurant, and an after-hours experience of the different sets, like a scavenger hunt to win your very own Dundie award. You can snack on Stanley’s favorite soft pretzels, have a ping pong tournament in the warehouse, or visit the Niagara Falls set for a romantic photo-op with the Jim to your Pam. Booking.com will also provide winners with the option to sleep at a hotel in D.C., in case you prefer something a little more cozy.
To book the ultimate The Office immersive experience, visit this link at Booking.com starting Nov. 16 at noon. You can book your stay on either Saturday, Nov. 19 or Sunday, Nov. 20 for just $20.05 (since the iconic series premiered in 2005), to grab on a first come, first serve basis so make sure to book your stay “as ASAP as possible” so you don’t miss out on the fun. If you’re not able to book the all-nighter, The Office Experience will be open through Jan. 16, 2023, so you have a few months to visit Dunder Mifflin IRL.