young woman in oversized blazer gazes into camera as she considers the spiritual meaning of the dece...

The December 2022 New Moon Is Pushing You To Your Limits

Are rules really meant to be broken?

by Chelsea Jackson
Hanna Postova / EyeEm/EyeEm/Getty Images

Have you been unusually hard on yourself lately? If so, odds are you’re experiencing the effects of Capricorn season. This season is encouraging everyone to get a clue — and the clue in question is the reality check that you’ve been waiting for. While putting a ridiculous amount of pressure on yourself doesn’t promise that you’ll somehow magically end up achieving your goals, it does indicate that you’re taking your ambitions seriously — and that’s a great place to start. Hard work and perseverance is unfortunately something that can’t be avoided, and the spiritual meaning of the upcoming new moon in Capricorn will definitely be a not-so-gentle reminder that in order to accomplish greatness, you have to make sacrifices.

The December 2022 new moon marks the conjunction of the sun and moon in Capricorn, signifying a dutiful, realistic new beginning taking place in every sign’s birth chart. As a Saturn-ruled sign of the zodiac, this moon is all about embracing the restrictions and undeniable control needed in order to arrive at any finish line. While this energy doesn’t necessarily create too much space for impulse or sudden changes, it does remind you that in order to win at anything, you have to take it seriously — and that usually means that you have to follow the rules. The good thing is, adhering to the status quo oftentimes comes with a reward, but in order to get there, you’ll have to buckle down.

Cat Gennaro/Moment/Getty Images

When Is The December 2022 New Moon?

On Dec. 23 at 5:18 AM EST, the sun and moon will conjoin at 1 degree of Capricorn, ushering in new beginnings in the birth charts of every zodiac sign. New moons are a time for wiping the slate clean and starting over, and since the both the sun and moon will be in a cardinal, earth sign on this day, the initiation that takes place will be rooted in reality, caution, and tradition. Capricorn is the “by the book” sign of the zodiac, which means that you likely won’t be feeling the urge to take risks now. Instead, you’ll be encouraged to move slowly and methodically, while embracing whatever duties or obligations that need to be handled in order to make it to the other side. With the moon in Capricorn positioned opposite its natural sign of Cancer, decision-making rooted in emotional impulse is pretty unlikely, which is has its pros and cons. Because of this, steer clear of making choices that require you to lead with emotion, and instead, go for the things that require a logical mind. Now is not a time to neglect your feelings, but they will be taking a back seat in order for you to make practical decisions.

Tension between Jupiter in Aries, which is eager to act on impulse, excitement, and passion, and this new moon is bound to create conflict between sober, reserved decision-making and brash, sudden activity. You’ll likely be presented with a choice to take a leap of faith during this moon, but while considering the potential consequences. While logic and reason may be currently working in your favor, it’s not intended to make you overly rigid. Sometimes the best thing you can do is take a risk — even if it goes against the rulebook. Be sure to check in with the Capricorn-ruled house in your birth chart to fully understand where you may be called to uphold tradition and rules, and the Aries-ruled house to get a glimpse of where you’re being nudged to lead with impulse. You may be up against some tough decisions now, but it’s you’ve got clear-headed discernment on your side.