I Spy A Glow-Up In Your Future Amid The Leo New Moon
July’s lunation is reminding you of your self-worth.
If you’ve been feeling more confident than usual lately, Leo season definitely has something to do with it. As the sign of the sun’s domicile, there’s been a collective increase in self-esteem as each sign becomes more aware of what makes them stand out as a unique individual. It’s something you should take pride in, since there’s only one you (and you can’t ever be duplicated or replaced), so why shouldn’t you embrace yourself, flaws and all? Knowing who you are is the first step to aligning yourself with things that are meant for you, so it can’t be something you sweep under the rug. As the sun and moon come together in this fixed fire sign on July 28, the spiritual meaning of the July 2022 new moon in Leo is all about being your biggest cheerleader, whether there’s someone clapping along with you or not.
When the sun and moon link up in the same sign, it means two things: First, it marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle for the moon; second, it represents the conception of a new endeavor in the birth charts of every individual. So even if you don’t have any planets in the sign the new moon’s taking place in, it still brings forth a time where you’re being called to embark on something new. Taking place in Leo this time around, these new beginnings are all about identity and sense of self. Now is the time to incorporate new ways of honoring your most authentic expression into your life unapologetically. Since Leo is the sign ruled by the sun, there can often be a desire to be seen or acknowledged by others, but this new moon is less about validation from others and more about how you authenticate yourself, regardless of who’s watching. Now is the time to put yourself first. You are exactly who you think you are.
When Is The July 2022 New Moon In Leo?
The new moon in Leo will take place on July 28, 2022 at 1:55 p.m. EST. Taking place at 5 degrees of Leo, this lunation will be strongly felt by those who have planets in the fixed signs near this degree. If you don’t have any major placements that’ll be aspected by this lunation, however, it’ll still be important to check in with the house in your birth chart Leo governs over. This is where you can expect some new beginnings to be brought forth surrounding self-expression, acknowledgement, and authority. Since Leo is the sign of the sun, the house in your birth chart this sign falls in also tends to represent where you gain the most attention from others. While this new moon is primarily about how you honor and express yourself truthfully, it may also be a time where you’re feeling called to step into the limelight.
While all eyes may be on you now, it’ll be important to remember that regardless of the attention you gain from others, you are still worthy of love, acknowledgement, and appreciation. Although attention from others can feel incredibly validating, it’s important to remember that your self-worth doesn’t diminish based on who does or doesn’t acknowledge it. This new moon is about owning who you are, no matter who’s a fan. This can take courage, but you’re more than equipped to take on the challenge.
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