30 Things The 'T.S.' On Tom Hiddleston's Shirt Could Really Stand For
Tom Hiddleston and Taylor Swift have fallen deeply in love over the past three weeks because that's the way love works when you're famous, apparently.
Seriously, these two have been going so hard so quickly on the whole relationship thing.
I mean, in the first week of their relationship, we saw them making out on a rock. Then, by week two, Taylor Swift thinks Tom is the one. And during week three, we got staged couple photos with Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds.
AND NOW, as we head into week four, we have Tom Hiddleston wearing an "I <3 T.S." T-shirt while he frolics with his new girlfriend in the ocean.
Tom Hiddleston declares his love for Taylor Swift by wearing an "I T.S." t-shirt | https://t.co/e4mcRUgJd7pic.twitter.com/fMEkKFkyMD — FOTP | Pop News (@FlopOfThePops) July 4, 2016
This is just one straw too many. The people have had ENOUGH, you hear me, Hiddleswift?! ENOUGH!
So, in the interest of keeping our sanity, some people have been coming up with things Tom's T-shirt could mean other than forced Hollywood love.
Can't believe Tom Hiddleston wore an 'I T.S' t-shirt. We have so much in common! I too love Tony Stark — casey (@nasasebs) July 4, 2016
My co-workers and I got pretty into this game, so here all the things we think Tom could be declaring his love for besides Taylor Swift:
1. Top Shop
2. Teaching Spanish
3. Training Snakes
4. Taking Salvia
5. Toucan Sam
6. Three Stooges
7. Tomato Soup
8. Taco Seasoning
9. Tori Spelling
10. Elite Daily Editor, Tim Sheehan
11. Trey Songz
12. Tonsil Surgery
13. Tiger Stripes
14. "Toy Story"
15. Tiger Schulmann's
16. "Toot Sweets"
17. Tom Sawyer
18. Tuna Sandwiches
19. Tilda Swinton
20. "Trading Spaces"
21. Team Sports
22. Tip Sheets
23. Tipping Servers
24. Time-Space
25. Two Step
26. Tin Soldier
27. Taxi Service
28. Ten Speed
29. Tube Socks
30. Tailored Suits
Honestly, I'd take any one of these over Hiddleswift every time.