Nicki Minaj Posts Topless Picture But All We Care About Is Her Ugly Boots
Nicki, Nicki, Nicki, can't you see, your ridiculously sexy topless Twitter photo just hypnotized me.
It's Wednesday, kids, better known to some as "hump day," and singer Nicki Minaj just gave a whole new meaning to the term.
After she published her ridiculous texting rules and threw major shade at Taylor Swift after recently passing her on the Billboard Hot 100 list, Nicki Minaj decided to post a topless photo of herself on Twitter.
The entire internet is currently melting.
Like, I'm not really sure y'all are ready for this topless photo of Nicki Minaj, but like I mentioned earlier, it's hump day, so I'll delay no further.
Ladies and gentlemen, check out Nicki and the girls!
See, I wasn't lying!
To accompany the extremely sexual topless photo, Nicki Minaj wrote,
When u a stripper but lately u really been thinkin bout leavin the game.
Heh? I don't really get what the 34-year-old is saying here, but I can only assume it's in reference to the gaudy boots she's wearing in the above photo.
I know, who gives a crap about the boots? But still, these things are pretty bad, aren't they?
Where would one even buy a pair of these shimmery thigh-high boots?
Everything about this photo is perfection... minus the boots.
Nicki Minaj's Boobs = Amazing! Nicki Minaj's boots = Not so much!
@NICKIMINAJ SHOOK pic.twitter.com/Gr5JFWL6Qk — Gemini Minaj (@MinajSlayMe) February 15, 2017
Speaking of Nicki Minaj on social media, the 34-year-old recently took to Instagram to throw a little shade at Taylor Swift after the "Anaconda" rapper passed Tay Tay for second on the all-time list of women with the most Billboard Hot 100 songs.
To caption the above photo, Nicki Minaj wrote,
Oh hey, Taylor (smiley face emoji w/ heart eyes) – Taylor & I were tied but thanks to u guys, #RunUp debuted on the Hot 100 this week so I was able to inch past her a bit. Did you know she's a sag like ya girl? Her, Britney, Christina Aguilera… yup love them all (kissing face emoji). #MostHot100EntriesByWomen #sagittariusRULES #ReadyOrNotHereIcome
Nicki Minaj is out here, y'all!
Citations: @NICKIMINAJ (Twitter)