
11 Things Beyoncé's Pregnancy Announcement Reminds Us Of

by Taylor Ortega

Face it, people. Beyoncé was never going to shoot us all a group text like,

Hey boos, just wanted 2 let y'all kno J & I r preg again! TWINS! O ya r u guys watchin Corinne on Bach BTW? she's insane LOL.

A mere two hours have passed since Yoncé shared her Instannouncement for babies two and three, and the post has already garnered over three million likes and a sea of tweets comparing her photo to every damn thing.

For those of you whose internet connection sucks too hard to load this beautiful masterpiece, the queen's caption reads,

We would like to share our love and happiness. We have been blessed two times over. We are incredibly grateful that our family will be growing by two, and we thank you for your well wishes. – The Carters

She looks breathtaking. She looks feminine. She looks powerful. She looks peaceful. She looks... like a lot of things.

1. Beyoncé with two babies looks like the rest of us with one lunch.


2. She looks like she's about to play a benefit concert for Bangladesh with George Harrison.


3. She looks like she's about to take some shrooms and check out her own set.


4. She looks like she's heard our prayers to her all these years.


5. She looks like she did in that Coldplay video.


6. She looks like she has to log some major study hours if she's going to graduate on time.


7. She looks like Winona Ryder and Christian Slater just killed the crap out of her with drain cleaner.


8. She looks like she conceived immaculately.


9. She looks like she got extra wallet-sized prints for Tina and Solange.


10. She looks like John Stamos' competition for that sweet endorsement money.


11. In the interest of total transparency, I even noticed some Florida funeral vibes floating around this photo.


And I never notice anything about anything. Ever.

Whatever Beyoncé's artistic vision was for this shoot, she nailed it (and every other vision, apparently).