Running a half marathon is hard enough on its own.
So you can only imagine how difficult it must have been for one new mom to pump her breast milk in the middle of a 13-mile race.
That's right. Anna Young recently managed to complete a half marathon, despite the fact that she had to pump her breast milk right in the middle of it.
Young posted a photo on Facebook, which shows her pounding the pavement while simultaneously pumping, along with the caption,
I nursed my daughter before I left my house, pumped after running the first 8 miles and nursed her after I made it past the finish line. This group and Le leche league motivated me to find a way to run my race and take care of my daughter. #normalizebreastfeeding
The blood, sweat and tears breast milk Young put into crossing that finish line hasn't gone unnoticed by the internet, either.
The Facebook post has since gone viral, racking up almost 10,000 reactions, as well as a long list of comments from men and women praising Young for her epic accomplishment.
If you ask me, this inspiring mama can certainly teach us all a thing or two about dedication and multi-tasking.
Citations: Mom Pumps Breast Milk in the Middle of a Half Marathon, Is a Superhero (Cosmopolitan)