
Guy Hilariously Tweets About His Home Being Turned Into A Pokémon Go Gym

by Anna Menta

I'm not ashamed to admit I'm a 23-year-old who spent her entire weekend running around playing the new Pokémon game.

(I'm pretty sure we all did.)

Pokémon Go, Nintendo's new augmented reality mobile game, came out last week, and we've all been pretty much glued to our phones ever since.

Here's the thing, though: The app turns real life locations into "gyms" where you need to go to train and fight your Pokémon.

These gyms are kind of rare, so wherever you can find a gym, you can find a crowd of nerds on their phones.

This has the potential to get awkward, though, like if say your house becomes a Pokémon Go gym — which is exactly what happened to this guy.

Boon Sheridan is a designer from Holyoke, Massachusetts whose home is a converted church. And Nintendo, seemingly not knowing this, made his house into a Pokémon Go gym.

Naturally, he live-tweeted the entire thing.

It wasn't long before the nerds caught on and started surrounding his house.

When a car with two or more kids in the backseat on their phones parks for 20 minutes I'm counting it as a gym visit. — Boon Sheridan (@boonerang) July 9, 2016

Some people were more strategic about their lingering.

These cats figured it out, the bench in the park across the street is close enough to be 'in' the gym. — Boon Sheridan (@boonerang) July 9, 2016

Others were a little less subtle.

I've officially stopped counting after easily 30+ people walking up and as many cars pulling up for a few minutes. — Boon Sheridan (@boonerang) July 9, 2016

Some were straight-up annoying about it.

Unfortunately, there's really no way for him to stop it.

Can't wait to talk to my neighbors about it. “So, all these people pulling up at all hours? We don't know them… and we can't stop it." — Boon Sheridan (@boonerang) July 10, 2016

Nintendo, y'all should really have a plan for this.

But hey, maybe there's an upside to this whole thing.

Does having a gym layered on my house enhance or detract from my home's value? — Boon Sheridan (@boonerang) July 10, 2016

Boon, the best of luck to you on dealing with all these nerds lurking outside your property.

Now, erm, what was your address again...?

Citations: This Guy Had the Best Reaction When His House Was Turned Into a Pokémon Go Gym (Cosmopolitan)