
10 People Reveal What It's Really Like To Be Friends With A Porn Star

by Alec MacDonald

We found a Reddit thread where people who are friends with porn stars shared their most awkward stories, so we decided to pick out some favorites.

Now really, most of the entries on this thread aren't from people who are actually friends with porn stars, rather they just have met/used to know someone who became one, etc. I guess actual friends of porn stars are less likely to divulge "awkward stories" about them on Internet forums.

It took me a while to comb through the 7,000-plus comments on this thread because 90 percent of them were from heinous creeps who desperately want the Internet to know that their Lilliputian penises swell with blood occasionally.

There is literally a guy who talks about his porn star cousin who changed in front of him and he writes:

Half of me was like "eww, that's your cousin, gross dude." While the other half was thinking "booooobs!" Admittedly, she is pretty attractive, so I snuck a couple peeks, but mostly turned away.

Yeah, so there's a lot of very uncomfortable stuff on this thread. But, occasionally, there's also some pretty hilarious and/or illuminating stuff about the peculiar daily lives of people who the whole world watches do intimate things on the Internet.

Let's start with "Bub," because why not?

I have a friend I'll call "Bub." Bub is about 5'5" and has an 11" dick. It's ridiculous. Unfortunately for Bub, he's also got no game whatsoever. He only got into porn because he literally could not find anyone who would have sex with him. Now he's been in porn for a long time and doesn't know how to behave around girls who aren't porn stars.

After being asked for more stories about "Bub" from everyone on the thread, the Reddit user told a story about how one time "Bub" was grinding on a girl at the club (people actually still do this apparently), and the girl thought he had begun feeling her up without her permission. But he had his hands up in the air. She realized it was just his enormous penis-bulge on her leg. She thought it was an arm. She died laughing.

Your life is weird, not-so-lil' Bub.

OK, next story. The role of social media in the porn star's life:

One of my friends kind of blew up on gonewild and she's since become a moderately successful cam girl... Not much has changed, she's always been pretty sexually open and has never really hid from it/knows we pretty much all of have seen everything. Most awkward part is her former personal IG account is slowly transforming to a professional one, so I'll be scrolling down my newsfeed and it'll go like: eggs, sunset, cat, inspirational quote, crotch shot in lingerie, cat, beer...

One of the most telling things I found in these posts, was just how uncomfortable people are with porn stars, despite the fact that the entire country is constantly watching and "engaging with" their work on a daily basis.

Occasionally, of course, porn stars written about here seem to enjoy taking advantage of that awkwardness. Perhaps out of annoyance.

I became friends with quite a well known porn star while we were both studying abroad. I was a poor student and she always seemed to have a little cash. She would offer me drinks etc. So eventually I asked her how she earn a crust. She said, "I'm a porn star". I took this to be a joke and said, "Oh, well I'm an assassin." A bit of time goes by and again she was buying me drinks and I asked her. She said, "Seriously, I'm a porn star." She then looked at me and said "Every drink down your throat is because of a cock down mine." I kept drinking.

Now for a great Army story.

Late 90s, good buddy of mine in my Infantry squad was one of those guys who always drew in the girls but passed off most of the numbers to us his buddies. Served together for better part of 2 years before he got out. A couple months later we are at the company and a box comes in the mail with a letter telling us all he found this great new job that he was really enjoying. It contained a VHS tape preset to a spot in the film, with no label. Well first sergeant pops it in the wreck room tv and hits play in front of about 3/4ths of the company. Yep, there is our battle buddy taking it up the tail pipe in the middle of a gay porn movie. Most of the company peeled out and got all stupid, those of us from the same squad just laughed as we now understood so much better why all the phone numbers got passed to us. (he sent several more tapes over the next few months but first sergeant had them all seized and destroyed upon arrival lol)

And another Army story. This one is especially good because it shows a porn star practicing, which is something, I admit, I kind of never considered.

When I first joined the Army, I met a guy who was a bisexual porn star. When it first came up in conversation, I really wasn't ready to receive this news and was caught off guard. He was doing an exercise that basically allowed him to "master his craft". He was practicing keeping it hard... Now, when I say, "master his craft"... he was basically walking around completely naked with a massive erection and he was flexing it and doing some focused meditation shit, I duno, it was just weird to see.. ...and then he started talking with me like nothing was going on. I asked him later why he thought that was a good time to talk with me about the day, he responded by saying that he needed a distraction.. these porn studios are filled with distractions and losing an erection while on set is unprofessional. I nodded and went about my business... confined quarters, not like I had much choice.

Then there is this little gem:

I knew a gay porn star and the most awkward thing was reading a review of one of his films where he was described as "purring and moaning like a chupacabra bitch in heat".

Whereas many of these stories are funny and/or sort of subvert porn star stereotypes in this thread, there is a troubling amount of stuff like this.

I used to drive a cab in Hollywood at night. Met many porn stars. They all did meth. Meth fuels the industry.

Seriously, meth and heroin are all over this thread. Sorry to ruin the mood of this post, but it's pretty demoralizing. As one user points out, Netflix even has a documentary in the "Drugs, Inc." series called "X-Rated High" about meth and other drugs fueling the porn industry.

Then some dipshits try to explain why with dumb shit like this.

Meth sex is great and lasts forever so that's probably why...

So as not to leave you completely bummed out, here's one more story.

I have a very sweet friend who is a pornstar. She's like any other friend, only sometimes she might hand you a brochure full of pictures of her asshole. That's fine.

You're welcome, reader.

So, in summation, some porn stars are very ordinary, some are married, some are very into drugs and some are in the Army. Another way of saying that is just, "Porn stars are people."