Your Sagittarius Season Horoscope Is Here & It's Action-Packed
Sagittarius season is here, and that only means one thing: The sky is the limit. The same thing goes for your Sagittarius season 2019 horoscope, because the Sagittarius glyph is also a representation of the centaur's arrow pointing toward the infinite sky. This symbolizes one's higher awareness. Remember, Sagittarius comes after Scorpio, which is why its celestial essence feels as though you are being given a second chance at life, both personally and collectively. Scorpio's fixed water helped you confront the darker parts of your psyche, and Sagittarius' mutable fire is here to encourage you to have faith in the infinite possibilities.
The sun will join irresistible Venus in adventurous Sagittarius on Nov. 22, just a few days before Venus shifts into serious Capricorn on Nov. 25. The following day, a new moon in Sagittarius will disappear into the night sky and spark a number of positive new beginnings that revolve around hope, faith, and optimism. Dreamy Neptune finally stations direct on Nov. 27 after five months retrograde in Pisces, which also happens to be its sign of rulership. Then, on Dec. 2, Sagittarius' planetary ruler, Jupiter, makes its grand debut in serious Capricorn, where it will remain for the next 13 months.
Mercury enters Sagittarius on Dec. 9, days before the full moon in Gemini on Dec. 12. Chiron, the wounded healer, also stations direct in Aries that same day, before Venus wraps up in Sagittarius and enters Aquarius on Dec. 20. As you can see, Sagittarius season will be action-packed — but not worry, because I'll let you know where you stand.
Aries: You're Seeing The Light At The End Of The Tunnel
With your hot-headed planetary ruler, Mars, traveling through Scorpio via your erotic eighth house of sex, surrender, and transformation, you could be feeling a bit more competitive than usual. However, there's always a silver lining, especially with go-getter Mars getting the job done. Despite your sudden streaks of jealousy, and perhaps even possessiveness, this is a time for you to step into your power.
The good news is, Venus' shift into Capricorn via your career sector will bring a charming boost of prosperity, so don't be afraid to ask for that promotion. Looking toward the horizon and focusing on the bigger picture is your best bet this season. This is especially true once Mercury joins the sun in your expansive ninth house of opportunities. Reach for the stars.
Taurus: You're Swimming In The Depths Of Your Feels
Your relationships have been top of mind these days. Are the people in your life giving you a headache? It wouldn't surprise me, considering last season's Mercury Rx effects via your seventh house of committed partnerships. Although, with go-getter Mars shaking up this area of your chart until January, you'll be given no time to waste. As you may know, Mars doesn't like to beat around the bush, let alone when in a sign like Scorpio, so it's time to clean house.
Luckily for you, your ruling planet shifts into Capricorn on Nov. 25, dazzling your ninth house of expansion, entrepreneurship, and travel. The full moon in Gemini will bring you clarity in regard to your finances, values, and self-worth, so don't hesitate to let go of what no longer serves you.
Gemini: You're Feeling A Lot More Energized
You survived Mercury retrograde and a powerful full moon via your 12th house of closure and karma. Were you finally able to let go of the things that were holding you back? Sagittarius season will put a spotlight on your relationships, so make sure to surround yourself with people who inspire you and have your best interest at heart.
With go-getter Mars shaking up your orderly sixth house of routine and due diligence, you'll be back to your busy-bee ways, crossing your t's and dotting your i's. After five months retrograde, Neptune finally stations direct via your career sector, which will also feel like a breath of fresh air. Also, there will be a full moon in your sign on Dec. 12, and with your curious planetary ruler activating your partnership zone, your full moon moment could revolve around your committed relationships.
Cancer: You're Getting Situated And Being More Mindful
With the sun shaking up your orderly sixth house of health, daily routine, and due diligence this season, you'll be focusing on your mental and physical well-being, along with your day-to-day duties. The new moon on Nov. 26 will beam directly through this area of your chart and bring new beginnings to your current routine.
Working on your fitness? Thinking about starting a new habit that could benefit you in the long run? This Jupiter-ruled lunation's got you covered, so make sure to set your intentions. Elusive Neptune finally stations direct via your expansive ninth house of entrepreneurship and self-promotion. Are you ready to launch that creative project? With go-getter Mars shaking up your flamboyant fifth house of creative expression, you'll feel as confident as ever.
Leo: You're Feeling Yourself And Celebrating Life
With your planetary ruler beaming directly through your fifth house of rulership, romance, and creative expression, you're ready to put your red party dress on. The new moon on Nov. 26 will light up this area of your chart, and perhaps even bring you a new passionate love affair. After all, this area of your chart governs all things that revolve around your happiness and your inner child.
Once Venus enters Capricorn and your orderly sixth house of due diligence on Nov. 25, you'll be ready to bring that boost of confidence to the workplace. Jupiter will soon meet with Venus via this area of your chart on Dec. 2, where he will remain for 13 months, and continue to bless you with a number of opportunities. The full moon in Gemini will activate your 11th house of tribes, friendship groups, and extended network, which will bring you clarity in regard to your sense of belonging.
Virgo: You're Going Inward And Focusing On Your Loved Ones
With the sun beaming through your domestic fourth house of home, family, and emotional foundation, you'll be in the mood to retreat. Although, with charming Venus' shift into Capricorn and your expressive fifth house of romance and creativity, you could also discover a burst of enthusiasm in regard to your artistic projects.
Single? This area of your chart also revolves around your love life, and with dreamy Neptune finally stationing direct via your partnership sector this season, themes related to your one-on-one partnerships will start making sense. Lucky Jupiter will also join Venus in your love sector on Dec. 2, where he will remain for the next 13 months.
Anything new in your professional life? The full moon in Gemini will beam directly through your ambitious career zone, and likely bring you some much-needed clarity.
Libra: You're Having A Number Of Interesting Conversations
Sagittarius season activates your chatty third house of communication, thought process, and immediate community, so chances are you'll be in the mood for a little small talk. If you're a writer, or in the general communications industry, the new moon on Nov. 26 could very well bring some exciting opportunities your way. This is an excellent time to spread the word and have your unique voice be heard.
Your ruling planet Venus will sashay into Capricorn and your domestic fourth house of home and family on Nov. 25, so you'll have a burst of harmonious energy on your side. Jupiter will also join forces with Venus via this area of your chart on Dec. 2, and swarm your inner world with abundance and blessings for the next 13 months. The full moon in Gemini will shake up your expansive ninth house of opportunity, self-promotion, and entrepreneurship, so this will be a positive lunation for you all around.
Scorpio: You're Making Sure Your Finances Match Your Value
Once the sun enters your indulgent second house of values, income, and unique possessions, you'll be instantly reminded of your hard work, because this area of your chart belongs to Venus, and Venus has everything to do with pleasure. Bottom line being, you reap what you sow.
The new moon in Sagittarius will activate this area of your chart, kicking off a six-month lunar cycle, full of blessings and financial opportunities. Dreamy Neptune will also station direct via your expressive fifth house, after a five-month-long retrograde cycle. This will certainly remove the fog, in terms of your love life and self-confidence, so it's definitely something to look forward to.
The full moon in Gemini, however, will beam through your erotic eighth house of sex, shared resourced, and transformation, which means your Sagittarius season will likely end on an interesting note. Themes regarding your intimate unions and joint finances will be top of mind.
Sagittarius: You're Thriving And Ready To Throw A Party
Your prosperous planetary ruler will meet with Venus in your sign for the last time this year on Nov. 24, which will likely bring you a number of blessings. The planet of love enters serious Capricorn and your second house of finances and values on Nov. 25, so you'll have your mind on your money.
The following day, the new moon in your sign will be swirling with new beginnings and exciting opportunities. You only get one new moon per year, so make sure you set your intentions, and make use of it wisely.
Dreamy Neptune also stations direct this season via your domestic fourth house of home and family, so take advantage of this time to clear the air with your loved ones.
Capricorn: You're Shedding Skin And Releasing Spiritual Debt
Sagittarius season will activate your secretive 12th house of karma, closure, endings, and beginnings, so you'll be in the mood to spend time in your solitude during this time. The good news is, charming Venus will sashay into your sign on Nov. 25, followed by lucky Jupiter on Dec. 2, which will more than likely alleviate the tension of Saturn, Pluto, and South Node.
The new moon in Sagittarius will also beam through your karmic 12th house, and likely help you rid yourself of a burden that is no longer serving you. Neptune finally goes direct this season via your chatty third house of communication and thought process, which will certainly clear the fog in regard to your POV and general communication style. The full moon in Gemini will shake up your orderly sixth house of health and day-to-day duties, so you'll likely experience some much-needed clarity in regard to your wellness routines and work environment.
Aquarius: You're Focusing On Your Tribe And Network
Sagittarius season activates your 11th house of rulership around the same time every year; this area is governed by your rambunctious planetary ruler, Uranus, which means it belongs to you.
No new friends? The new moon in Sagittarius will beam directly through this area of your chart, and bring you an opportunity you'll never forget. In the mood to play host? This is an excellent time to gather your troops and spend time with your soul tribe, while the rest of you move forward and launch an exciting project via social media.
Neptune also stations direct via your second house of finances and self-worth, so you'll be given a second look at the things that truly bring you pleasure. This is especially true during the full moon in Gemini, as it will shake up your expressive fifth house of self-love, creativity, and romance. Ready for cuffing season?
Pisces: You're Looking Towards The Future And Testing Your Luck
Sagittarius governs your ambitious 10th house of career, legacy, authority figures, and reputation in the world. What are you afraid of? Are you ready to take that leap of faith? The new moon in Sagittarius is actually the perfect opportunity to do so, considering it will shake up this area of your chart and bless you with exciting new beginnings.
Your elusive planetary ruler finally stations direct this season, which means you'll be feeling like yourself again. No one enjoys it when their ruling planet is retrograde, and in your case, it made your long-term goals seem hazier than usual. However, all of the confusion will be behind you, sooner rather than later.
Venus enters Capricorn, followed by Jupiter on Dec. 2, and your 11th house of friendship circles this season, too. Thinking about hosting a holiday get-together with your faves? Why not? The full moon in Gemini will beam directly through your domestic fourth house of home, family, and emotional foundation. This will likely bring you some much-needed clarity in regard to your inner world, close relatives, and home life. Although, given that Mercury is also a symbol of your siblings, not to mention Gemini's planetary ruler, this lunation will likely revolve around your siblings. #JustSaying