A Weight Is About To Be Lifted Off Your Chest In Your Nov. 18 Weekly Horoscope
Breathe a sigh of relief, because a weight is about to be lifted off your chest. Mercury stations direct on Nov. 20, meaning your tour through the past is nearing its end. However, your Mercury retrograde story is far from over. You're coming away from receiving some transformative lessons and you'll finally begin to discover answers to some of your questions. Your November 18, 2019 weekly horoscope is here to help you understand what to do next. Regardless, communication will become clearer and it will be so much easier to focus.
Just before Mercury turns direct, Mars — planet of courage and ambition — will leave behind indecisive Libra and enter passionate Scorpio, giving you a boost of energy and fervor because you're obtaining what you desire. Mars rules over Scorpio, making this an incredibly powerful time. Tap into what you believe matters most and make that your main concern. It's time to start charging forward.
Scorpio season has been a time of emotional growth, intimacy, and spiritual connections. It's been an introspective look at your place in the world, bringing you closer to your ultimate self. When the sun enters expansive and energized Sagittarius on Nov. 22, you will embark on an adventure that takes your far from your norm. Prepare to experience bellyaching laughter and to meet strange and exciting new people. Whether you're getting a change of scenery by going on a spontaneous road trip or shifting your perspective by learning about something completely foreign to you, Sagittarius season will open your mind.
It will also bring so much power and joy to your relationships, especially when Venus — planet of love — forms a conjunction with thrill-seeking Jupiter on Nov. 24. Use this energy to increase your bond with someone and to adopt a sense of hope and enthusiasm about upping the friendships in your life.
Since Sagittarius isn't known for outlines or solid plans, it makes so much sense that you should expect the unexpected. When aggressive Mars forms an opposition with unpredictable Uranus on Nov. 24, there could be random bursts of emotion, as well as conflict. Try to breathe through your impulses, as it could feel so tempting to be impulsive.
Climb out of your shell and breathe in the fresh air. The great unknown is calling your name and asking you to take part in it. There is still so much you have yet to experience, so set aside your judgments and fears. You know there's something you've always wanted to do, but you never set aside time to do it. Bite the bullet and have faith in the outcome.
You're on the brink of something incredible. Even though things may feel dismal and you might even consider giving up, know that all of this is temporary. You're releasing something from your past that has no place in your future. Unburden yourself so this incredible new phase of your life can begin. It's an uphill battle, but you're almost there.
You know what you need from a partner and you dream about your special someone often. However, you might overcome your fear of vulnerability if you're ever going to find this person. It's scary to open your heart to someone and put your trust in them, but true intimacy demands it. Allow yourself to be truly seen by someone who deserves it.
Before you can take care of anybody else, you must take care of number one: yourself. Concentrate on how you can make your own life better by indulging in positive self-care routines and breaking bad habits. Self-care can mean whatever you need it to, but it should always be centered on your own improvement. It's your well-being that comes first.
Let the world see how brightly you shine. If you've been doubting your talent or hiding it because you fear the judgment of others, you're not being fair to yourself. Don't let anyone trample on your right to enjoying your life. The only person who gets to decide how much fun you have is you. Be as wild, free, and romantic as you need to be.
You're in need of some rest, but that doesn't mean you have to stop being productive. There are some projects at home that require your attention, but you'll feel so proud of yourself for tending to them. Make your home your own. Whether that's by reorganizing or inviting your friends over, inject your sacred space with some loving energy.
You're bursting with important things to say, so make sure you're communicating deliberately, Your words have the power to change everything if you harness them. Whether you're talking to new friends, or expressing yourself through writing, you're learning not only about yourself, but also the world you live in.
A deep and impenetrable confidence is sinking its way through you. Reinforce this confidence by building something strong, secure, and stable. This could look like committing to your financial goals or purchasing that item you've been lusting after. However, anchoring yourself could be as simple as making a point to live in the present moment.
You're being reawakened, so wake up in the morning believing that it's a brand-new day and anything can happen. Let go of the mistakes you've made, come to terms with where you're at, and know you have the power to make decisions that show the world exactly who you are. There's so much potential swirling within you. You're unlocking more of it each day.
Right now, all that matters is your own healing. There may be some skeletons in your closet that you might finally have to deal with, but it's not like the world needs to know about it. Reserve time for yourself to heal from your wounds on your own. You're the friend you need right now, so treat yourself with kindness and forgive yourself for needing to slow down.
You have a vision and that vision has the power to strengthen your community and, ultimately, the entire world. Every action you take has a ripple effect and you can set off a wave of positive growth, if you so choose. Be the friend you'd like to have, the hero you look up to, and the dream you've been wishing for. It all begins with you, so believe in yourself.
The world is so interested in what you've been working on, so accolades and promotions may very well be on their way (especially if you've been working). You might not think you're ready to put yourself out there, but the truth is, no one ever really feels ready. Make the bold decision to give it a try, even if you fail miserably. It's worth the risk.