Your June Monthly Tarotscope Is All About Rising From The Ashes
A witch's toolkit is made up of so many things, but each one is always unique. Between each and every witch, their toolkit might include an array of incense sticks, plenty of sacred herbs to burn, their favorite crystals, various colors of candles, essential oils, and maybe even a cauldron if they're of the traditional sort. However, one thing almost everyone who identifies as a modern witch holds close to their heart is a deck of tarot cards. You can always tell how dedicated a witch is by how worn, faded, and torn their deck is after so many years of consistent use. However, did you know you don't need a physical deck in order to complete a reading? In fact, your June 2020 monthly tarotscope will tell you which card captures the month ahead, according to your zodiac sing.
If you're feeling intimidated by the tarot, there's no reason to worry. In fact, you don't even need to consider yourself a "witch" or believe in magic to get something from the tarot. When you ask the tarot a question and then pick a card, your intuition connects with the meaning and the imagery of that card, allowing you to connect the dots. It's a tool for reflection, introspection, and of course, practicing witchcraft.
Aries: Five Of Cups
It may seem like all hope is lost, but you're not looking at the situation in the right light. You're focusing so much on everything you've lost and every mistake you've made that you're missing out on everything you've learned. There are so many beautiful opportunities awaiting you. Now's the time to close this painful chapter of your life and look forward. You're ready.
Taurus: The Tower
The universe is pushing you out of your comfort zone when you least expect it. Try as you might to keep things as they are, the universe is intervening and taking matters into its own hands. Embrace the beauty of being out of control. There's nothing you can do about your situation except adapt. Believe it or not, you'll eventually look back on this period of change and feel so thankful it happened.
Gemini: Queen Of Wands
You've been working hard and remaining resilient throughout all your struggles. Now, you're getting to know who you are, what you want, and how you can become your best self. You have all the tools you need. It's time to finally execute your plan. And don't you dare think small. Embrace the courage to try something that seems out of your league, because you'll only surprise yourself.
Cancer: The Hanged Man
Your instinct may be to charge forward and get started as soon as possible, but there is so much weight already on your shoulders. Before you can carry more, you must liberate yourself from the heaviness you no longer need. Let go of bad habits and negative thought patterns. Forgive yourself for your past. You're shedding your skin and it's a process that doesn't happen overnight.
Leo: Six Of Pentacles
You've been working so hard on yourself that you're now in a position to share the wealth. Lending a helping hand to others will bring you so much of the satisfaction you seek. In fact, if you're feeling lonely, focusing your attention on the needs of others will almost always be the cure. Don't think of what you'll get in return for helping. The positive impact you'll have is enough of a reason to do it.
Virgo: Page Of Wands
You've got so much excess energy that you're becoming antsy. However, all those restless thoughts contain something valuable. Instead of letting them pass through your mind without stopping to inspect them, grab hold of one and take it seriously. Start planning out a way to bring this idea to life, one step at a time. You'll calm your anxiety by focusing entirely on one project.
Libra: The Emperor
You're becoming someone other people can rely on, so make decisions with their needs in mind. You could become an incredible leader if you set your mind to it. Think of what the person you admire most in the world would do, then follow their example. Time to take yourself seriously, because the universe is, and it needs your support right now.
Scorpio: The Hierophant
You're having so many visions of the higher consciousness and spiritual elevation you seek to achieve. You know you're capable of rising to that energetic space. However, it's going to require discipline. Create a set of rules that will soon become a lifestyle that promotes the zen you picture yourself having. Commit to meditating, prayer, journaling, practicing yoga, or whatever works for you.
Sagittarius: Ten Of Pentacles
You've been working hard and the results are coming in. These accomplishments are proof you're growing into someone who's capable not only of providing for themselves, but also for others. Don't let the responsibility this brings you scare you away from your success. This is the next phase of your life. At this point, you could either take one step backward or one forward.
Capricorn: The World
The end of a long and difficult journey is finally coming into focus. This month may involve you closing the chapter on a project, relationship, or period of your life as you feel the triumph of having overcome so many struggles. You don't feel bittersweet about saying goodbye. You feel so much relief that all the pain is finally behind you and you know you've grown stronger for having gone through it.
Aquarius: Page Of Cups
Have you ever come up with a brilliant idea only to see that idea get brought to life by someone else years later? It's a bittersweet, regretful feeling, because you know you could have done it first. Let this sentiment guide you forward this month. Don't wait for the world to pass your idea onto someone else. Be the vessel bringing these ideas to fruition so everyone else can enjoy them even sooner.
Pisces: Four Of Wands
There is a very personal, private aspect of your life that needs tending to. The rest of the world can wait, because your attention should be spent on things that matter most to you this month. Appreciate the finer things, live in the present moment, and return to hobbies and people who remind you of better days. It will bring you the calm you so deeply desire right now. Your heart is in need of tender, loving care, so don't deprive it of what it needs.