Your July Monthly Horoscope Is Flooded With New Beginnings
The summertime can be equally as exciting in your personal life as it is in your social life. If you look at the four seasons from an astrological standpoint, the summer solstice marks the beginning of Cancer season, which has everything to do with nourishing your inner experience. This fact is illuminating, especially given your July 2020 horoscope. This month, the stars will shed light on the core of your being, teaching you how to tap into your inner universe.
The month kicks off on a rather interesting note, as Saturn retrograde will reenter its sign of rulership, Capricorn, on July 1. And though these retrograde effects could easily make you feel as though you're taking more steps backward than forward, it's important to trust in the power of the cosmos. Also known as "Father Time," Saturn is the planet of structure and a symbol of government systems. Capricorn is a representation of those in authority over you, whether it be a parent or government official. With Pluto retrograde also purging toxic patriarchalism in the sign of Saturn-ruled Capricorn, there's no denying the collective shifts about to take place.
The full moon lunar eclipse happening on July 5 will be the last eclipse of the Cancer-Capricorn series. Powerfully transformative and long-lasting, lunar eclipses bring cathartic endings and in the sign of Saturn-ruled Capricorn, this cosmic finale will revolve around the structure of your foundations, both personally and for the world at large.
July is action-packed with celestial activity, so here's a closer look at what's in store for you, according to your zodiac sign:
Aries: You're Taking Back Your Sense Of Authority
There's a whole lot happening right now, Aries. In addition to Chiron retrograding through your sign — bringing old wounds stemming from your sense of self to the surface for review — the sun will also shed light on your inner foundation while traveling through the sentimental sign of Cancer. The full moon lunar eclipse will also ignite your ambitious 10th house of career, authority figures, and reputation in the world, which will focus on both your personal and professional priorities.
Taurus: You're Taking An Intuitive Leap Of Faith
You never know until you try, Taurus. You may or may not be a fan of taking risks, but this month's astro weather is helping you tap into the right mindset in order to make the most of the opportunities headed your way. The full moon lunar eclipse will supercharge your expansive ninth house of education, travel, opportunity, and personal philosophy, and this will bring a much-needed and long-lasting change. It's time you start looking at things from a different perspective and learn how to keep an open mind.
Gemini: You're Indulging In Your Sensual Delights
It's time to bask in your sweet pleasures, Gemini. With the sun activating your sensually driven second house of comfort, values, finances, self-esteem, and possessions, you're in the mood for some well-deserved pampering. Your planetary ruler, Mercury, is also retrograding through this area of your chart, which means it's a great time to review your budget and more importantly, reflect on your spending habits. Chiron is also retrograding through your 11th house, and this retrograde will focus on your friendship groups and sense of belonging in the world. If you've outgrown certain individuals, now is the time to move on. This is especially true with the upcoming full moon lunar eclipse, as it will shake up your cathartic eighth house of transformation. A new era awaits you.
Cancer: You're Celebrating Your Solar Revolution
Here's to another magical journey around the sun, Cancer. The sun is energizing and revitalizing you as we speak, and once Mercury stations direct in your sign on July 12, things will finally start to make sense. Chiron will retrograde through your authoritative 10th house of career and parental figures, which means you may have to have a conversation about your future with your superiors. The full moon lunar eclipse will touch down on your committed seventh house of relationships, and this will bring an incredible amount of clarity when it comes to your agreements and general ability to compromise.
Leo: You're Cultivating Your Inner Relationship
When all else fails, leave it up to the universe, Leo. The sun is igniting your secretive 12th house of closure, surrender, karma, and all things behind the scenes this season, which is your official cue to get some shut-eye. Resting and recharging your batteries will be essential to your growth and well-being, so make sure to listen to your body. Chiron will also retrograde via your expansive ninth house of philosophy and personal horizons, and this will be an excellent opportunity for you to go inward and reflect on your belief systems.
Virgo: You're Tapping Into Your Inner Humanitarian
It's time to nurture your sense of belonging in the world, Virgo. Everything from your hopes, wishes, and dreams to your friendship groups will be highlighted this season, but with so many retrograde planets activating your expressive fifth house of individuality, you could also use this combination of energies to cultivate your contribution in the world. How can you share your divine light with the masses? Chiron will also retrograde via your erotic eighth house of joint ventures and intimate unions, and this will also be an opportunity for you to reflect on what you've been giving versus what you've been getting in return.
Libra: You're Nourishing Your Internal And External Realities
The spotlight's on you, and in more ways than one, Libra. With the sun igniting your ambitious 10th house of career, prestige, authority figures, and reputation in the world, there will be a spotlight hovering over your professional life. However, with so many retrograde planets shaking up your domestic fourth house of home, family, and emotional foundation, this season brings forth the opportunity to go inward and reflect on your emotional needs. If you're not nurturing yourself first, then there's no way you can nurture anything else.
Scorpio: You're Nurturing Your Long-Term Goals
Sometimes it isn't a bad idea to plan ahead, Scorpio. The sun is igniting your expansive ninth house of education and personal philosophy, and you'll be presented with opportunities catapulting you forward. With so many retrograde planets shaking up your chatty third house of communication, however, there are a few things you may need to reconsider before taking a leap of faith. Chiron will also retrograde via your health-oriented sixth house of routine, and this could help you create a day-to-day schedule that's both liberating and productive.
Sagittarius: You're Releasing Toxic Patterns
Let it all go, Sagittarius. The sun is activating your erotic eighth house of sex, transformation, joint ventures, and shared resources this season, and you're likely feeling more emotional than usual, but not to worry. There are several retrograde planets touching your stability-seeking second house of finances, values, and unique possessions, and you're finally recognizing your worth. Chiron will also retrograde via your expressive fifth house of creativity, passion, and authenticity, and this will be incredibly healing for you, especially if you pay attention to universal signs happening all around you.
Capricorn: You're Cultivating Compassion And Compromise
Sharing is caring, Capricorn. Though you may or may not be a fan of the summertime, there's still a lesson here for the children of winter. The sun is currently igniting your committed seventh house of partnerships, and this is highlighting everything from your agreements and negotiations to your one-on-one relationships. Chiron is also charging up your domestic fourth house of home, family, and emotional foundations, which is evoking your inner warrior. This season has much to do with tapping into your inner strength and willingness to confront your emotional reality.
Aquarius: You're Nurturing Your Internal And External Environments
Health is wealth, Aquarius. The sun is supercharging your orderly sixth house of health, daily rituals, work environments, and acts of service, and you're likely feeling compelled to do something for the good of mankind. Remember, Cancer season is all about cultivating compassion and empathy, both for you and the people around you. Having said that, there are several retrograde planets activating your 12th house of karma, spirituality, and closure, so don't think twice about taking a step back and working on your inner peace this season. Several things are coming into your conscious awareness, which means you're still shedding parts of you longer serving your highest good.
Pisces: You're Tapping Into Your Inner Child
It's your turn to find your joy, Pisces. The sun is charging up your expressive fifth house of creativity, happiness, passion, and praise, and you're suddenly being showered with love and acknowledgement. Though you already have so much to be grateful for, this season will feel like a sweet breeze of bliss, especially since you thrive in your ruling element, water. Chiron will also retrograde via your second house of finances, values, and self-worth, which will give you an opportunity to reflect on your finances, unique talents, and whether or not you're being properly compensated in your personal and professional life.