Your December Horoscope Is Here To Provide Clarity Before The New Year
Get ready to tear open all your presents this month, probably to be gravely disappointed by a gift or two that'll make you ask the giver, "Do you hate me?" The holidays are all about managing your unrealistic expectations, so let's do the same by practicing now, on your Dec. 2017 monthly horoscope, which is about to pop off. I always read my horoscope and take every piece of advice to the furthest extreme possible, so it's important to just appreciate the parts you like, and leave the rest. Anything that doesn't ring true for you probably isn't, and it's important to remember that astrology is an interpretive art, not an exact science.
That said, December starts off with the full moon in Gemini on Dec. 3 (also a supermoon), bringing some communication issues to light, or at least shining a light on some information we previously didn't know about. This full moon is square Neptune, making things even tougher to see clearly. Make use of this energy by taking things easy without demanding answers immediately.
This is the same day that Mercury goes retrograde, so whatever communication issues come up may take some time to clarify. Saturn moves into Capricorn this month after an almost three-year stay in the sign of Sagittarius, and this is great news, because having Saturn in the sign it rules (Capricorn) will set the energy of this planet at its ultimate productivity level.
The beginning of the month might confuse the hell out of you, making you feel like you don't know which end is up. You might have a hard time avoiding being hard on yourself now, but when Mars moves into Scorpio in your eighth house of transformation, you'll start to see the larger picture play out.
Saturn's move into Capricorn in your tenth house of career is setting the stage for some major changes to occur in your life, and might completely change the course of your career (or at least how you approach it) over the next two years.
Taurus, prepare yourself now because you will be dealing with your worst enemy over the next few weeks; Mercury is retrograding in your second house of earned income, which will also be affected by the full moon.
A source of income you've been depending on could disappear or undergo some sudden change, and it's important to remember that it won't last forever. When Saturn moves into Capricorn in your ninth house of advertising, publishing, broadcasting and international travel, you'll find there's some gold at the end of the rainbow. Hang in there.
Gemini you have a lot going on this month, so it's important to remember that everything that goes on now is all happening in an effort to set you up for the best in 2018. A lot of groundwork is being laid now. At the beginning of the month, you'll feel confused and misguided, especially in your career; you may feel like a passenger in your own life and confused about your purpose.
You have mercury retrograding through your partnership sector, making alliances with business contacts and romantic partnerships a place of misunderstandings, and at month's end, Saturn moves into your eighth house of transformation and joint resources. The lessons Saturn sets up are mysterious, but surround the theme of self-reliance.
You have a lot coming up in December after Mercury turns direct and Saturn moves into your opposite sign of Capricorn, settling into your partnership sector. On the full moon of Dec. 3, you might feel a lot of anxiety without knowing exactly where it's coming from.
If you use the energy of the full moon to examine what you're feeling instead of avoiding it, you'll come out the other side much better for it. Building on the knowledge you gain at this full moon will help you along in the lessons Saturn is set to teach you until March 2020, about true give-and-take in partnerships and what that means to you.
The beginning of the month is marked by confusion in romantic matters, with the possibility of an old lover making a return to your life. You have Venus in your romance sector, which could fill you with the desire to return to that relationship to give it a shot. Or you could just find yourself obsessing about an old lover who might have moved on, and it could be making your current love life pretty confusing.
By months end, you'll have sorted out all your confusion regarding that matter though, so be ready when Saturn moves into your sixth house of work and daily responsibility. You'll be happy for this change of focus.
Mercury will be complicating matters between you and a partner this month; it seems someone might have expectations of you that you're unable to meet and the universe is calling on you to avoid being a people pleaser and just do you. If this partnership is worth saving, it'll save itself.
You have a full moon in your domestic sector, and that means you have to relax and be patient with any misunderstandings between you and a roommate, or, if you're moving, you may have some trouble finding a new apartment. When Saturn moves into your fifth house at the end of the month, it will set you on course to learn lessons about being more or less openhearted in order to teach you about loving others responsibly — in a way that makes you love yourself.
Libra, you might have been feeling your priorities shifting recently, and that will continue into the beginning of December when Mercury retrogrades and the full moon occurs. You're going through a major transition in your life, and this full moon is going to be cleaning out the cobwebs in your mind beforehand so you can let go of what's comfortable and embrace the responsibilities that Saturn is presenting you with. Your Saturn lessons over the next two years are in your home and family sector, meaning you could be taking on more responsibility through marriage or children, but not before you learn to be compassionate and nurturing to yourself.
A lot of moving parts this month will have you feeling like you're on an emotional rollercoaster, Scorpio. First you have Mercury retrograding and a full moon in your financial sector, meaning you could find out about money you owe to someone else suddenly, or you could be waiting on money that's owed to you, which could take way too long to show up.
By the end of the month though, you'll have Mars in your sign, which makes any actions you take toward your daily life goals more easily attainable. Everything should be sorted by the end of the month.
The last two-and-a-half years have significantly shifted your personal goals and the things most close to your heart, Sagittarius. You may have gotten married, have had a child, or changed your goals to fit who you truly are, and now have come out the other side. You'll be feeling confident inside and out at the beginning of the month thanks to Venus in your sign and Saturn's move into Capricorn. Use the new moon on Dec. 18 to start fresh in whatever part of your life needs a reset, and try not to get frustrated through the better part of the month as Mercury might be making it hard to feel understood. All that will pass when Mercury goes direct on Dec. 22.
The next two-and-a-half years mark a significant turning point for you Capricorn, and this month signals the start of the transition. With Saturn moving into you sign, your personal goals and ambitions, those projects that are closest to you heart will be up for review. You'll be re-evaluating exactly what matters to you most and why, and you might decide that what you thought mattered no longer does, as something more important takes it's place. You'll also be up against your fears of failure and success, but with Saturn's help, you will move through those to come out the other side a more polished and authentic version of who you truly are.
The full moon is affecting your romantic life in the beginning of the month, and you might find that your partner or someone you've been dating has been keeping something from you and trying to shoulder the burden themselves, eroding your trust in the process. Mars (the warrior planet) moves into your career house on Dec. 19, to stay for a full year, filling with you with the ambition and drive you might have been lacking.
Saturn moves into your twelfth house of healing at the end of the month as well, and with Mars feeding your ambition, you might finally tackle a bad habit that's only served to get in your own way.
Near the full moon on Dec. 3, it appears someone close to you could be struggling with something that you'll have to accept you cannot fix. Now is the time to practice loving detachment, because you can't be held responsible for their behavior and you cannot cure it. This ties in thematically to Saturn moving into your eleventh house of goals and networks, when you'll begin to be more judicious about who you choose to surround yourself with. From now on, you'll want to stick with the winners instead of the people who drain you.