These New CBD-Infused Strawberry Marshmallows Will Be Your Fave Soothing Sweets
In my opinion, marshmallows are delicious as they are. They're sweet, fluffy, and perfect when you squeeze 'em between chocolate and graham crackers. However, they sound even better infused with CBD. Yes, CBD marshmallows are real, and your go-to 'mallow company is currently selling them. I'm talking about XO Marshmallow's strawberry CBD flavor, which will be hitting the market in April. With that being said, get ready for some extra relaxing s'more sessions, because CBD 'mallows are making their way to the shelves.
By "shelves," I mean "internet." When they become available, XO Marshmallow will sell 12-packs of the CBD-infused treats for $19.99 on its website. (You'll be able to buy them here.) However, as you could probably imagine, they won't be on sale until Saturday, April 20. TBH, you'll probably see a ton of CBD products hitting the market on "4/20," because a lot of people use that date to celebrate marijuana. However, keep in mind that CBD won't get you high like THC-rich marijuana will. Yes, it's a compound found within the cannabis plant, but it's non-psychoactive (unlike its THC counterpart). Instead of giving a buzz, it'll probably just relax you.
And now, you can find CBD in marshmallow form. Hooray!
Now, I'll get into detail about the CBD found in XO Marshmallow's strawberry selection. According to the company, the hemp-based CBD used in the 'mallows is from Sorse Labs, which is used to help customers add cannabis to their products. However, XO Marshmallow's CBD goodies don't include THC. Instead, each marshmallow features 10 milligrams of hemp-based CBD, so enjoy them responsibly.
Again, you won't be able to purchase these strawberry CBD marshmallows until April 20, but you can scan XO Marshmallow's website for other goodies in the meantime (hello, Flamin' Hot Cheetos Marshmallows?!). If you'd rather wait until the company's strawberry CBD selection is out, then check back when it's available.
As I previously mentioned, CBD-infused marshmallows aren't the only goodies that are hitting the market on April 20. In fact, a CBD-infused cheeseburger is currently in the works, and lucky customers in the Denver, Colorado area will be able to try it.
I'm not kidding: Carl's Jr. will be serving up CBD-infused burgers all day on Saturday, April 20. The burger is rightfully called the Rocky Mountain High: CheeseBurger Delight (CBD), and it's only being served at the company's Denver location at 4050 Colorado Blvd.
If you live near that Carl's Jr. location (or are planning on visiting on April 20), then you're probably curious about the burger. Believe it or not, the burger itself isn't infused with CBD — the Santa Fe Sauce on top of the burger is. According to the company, there's approximately 5 milligrams of CBD per serving in the sauce, so get hungry. In addition to Santa Fe Sauce, the burger includes CrissCut Fries, pepper jack cheese, and pickled jalapeños. YUM.
Carl Jr.'s CBD burger will only available for one day — but if you order CBD-infused marshmallows, you'll be able to enjoy them well after April 20. Either way, safe snacking.