Starbucks Just Dropped The Cutest Color-Changing Cold Cups In 5 Vibrant Summer Hues
While Starbucks was distracting coffee stans with the return of three Frappuccino flavors on Tuesday, April 30, the coffee company also apparently dropped a new line of reusable cold cups. You may have even noticed your social media feeds being bombarded with pics of the super colorful tumblers that change colors when filled with cold liquid. With the immediate popularity of the new cold cups, Starbucks stores began selling out of them, according to customers on Twitter. Hoping that's not the end of them, you might be wondering: Will Starbucks restock the reusable color-changing cold cups? If you were unlucky while trying to pick up a pack your first time around, I have some good news for you.
According to Starbucks, the chain confirmed that five-packs of reusable color-changing 24-ounce cold cups are available at Starbucks stores in the U.S. and Canada. Even better news than the mere arrival of these colorful cups is that Starbucks is, in fact, restocking the tumblers "throughout the season," per an email from Starbucks to Elite Daily. If you haven't yet seen the gorgeous colors these reusable cups come in, let me fill you in.
The five colors included in the pack are Rose, Citron, Sky, Apricot, and Arctic, per the coffee chain. And while they're pretty on their own, the colors also "magically change when the cup contains cold liquid."
From pictures of the color-changing cold cups, it looks like you definitely get a nice ombré effect once you start drinking your cold drink.
As soon as Starbucks loyalists began posting about the new cups, it appeared locations began quickly selling out, per USA Today. But again, rest assured there's a likely chance you'll get your hands on a five-pack of the "magical" color-changing cups, because Starbucks will be restocking them. #Blessed.
As for how much cash you'll have to shell out for the tumbler set, you might actually be surprised at how affordable these cups are. According to PopSugar, the set costs $16.95. If you do the math, that's just just $3.50 per colorful cup. Plus, you save 10 cents on your Starbucks total order when you use a reusable cup for your "handcrafted cold beverage," per the chain.
I don't know about you, but I was totally late to the color-changing cold cup game, and I think the returning S'mores Frappuccino, Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino, and Caramel Ribbon Crunch Frappuccino are three big reasons why. On the same day as the tumbler release, Starbucks finally brought back the limited-time S'mores Frappuccino, which is made with marshmallow-infused whipped cream (!!!), and the coffee chain introduced the return of the Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino and the Caramel Ribbon Crunch Frappuccino as two new permanent menu items. Talk about a big news day!
If you're looking for something to fill up your cold cup, you can also opt for the returning Dragon Drink from Starbucks. Even though part of the fun of the Dragon Drink — which is a Mango Dragonfruit Refresher that has coconut milk subbed for water — is its bright pink color, you'll still have plenty of do-it-for-the-'Gram opportunities when you sip it from your colorful AF color-changing tumbler. I'm thankful that Starbucks has plans to keep these new tumblers in stock for the season, because I think I'll find an excuse to use one of these five cups every day. Cheers!