You Can Officially Order Girl Scout Cookies, So Make Room For Dessert
The holidays may be over, but there are plenty of other magical times of the year to be excited about. There's the beginning of spring, which — for anyone currently chugging along through the bomb cyclone — definitely sounds magical right about now. There's summer, where between Independence Day, summer Fridays, and vacations, it feels like we barely work. But there's one magical time that's currently more within our reach, and that's Girl Scout cookie season. What better way to get through your winter blues than with a box of scrumptious cookies? If your mouth is already watering, here's where to buy Girl Scout cookies this season.
On Wednesday, Jan. 3, the beloved cookies went back on sale, and just in time for anyone who already ran out of their Christmas cookies (like me). According to USA Today, cookie season lasts from January to April, so you've got some time to stock up. And if you order now and finish them quickly (we've all been there), you'll still have time to order more.
If you don't know where or how to get your hands on Girl Scout cookies, there are a number of ways to do it — and they're all pretty simple. First of all, they're listed on the Girl Scouts website. However, the easiest way is probably to purchase from your local Girl Scouts, whether they're at a booth or selling them door-to-door. You're likely to see Girl Scouts selling cookies outside a local grocery store or other business during cookie season, or you can check around your office and see whose kids have the goods.
If you know a Scout but would prefer to buy online, you can visit their Digital Cookie page. Let them know that you're interested in buying online, and they'll take you through the steps for this process. This option is still relatively new, so it's unfortunately not available in every market. If you're unsure whether or not Digital Cookie is available in your area, just ask your Scout.
If you don't know any Girl Scouts, you can visit the Girl Scouts' cookie website and type in your zip code to find cookie sales in your area. You can also download the Girl Scouts app on iOS or Android and press "Find Cookies Now!" (This is honestly my perpetual mood.) The app will help you find the cookie booth closest to you, as well as the time, date, and location of the sale. You can also access the complete listing of Girl Scout Cookies available across the United States and Puerto Rico.
So now that you know how to get them, here's the most important part: the cookie flavors. Those who purchased cookies in 2017 are wondering if the S'mores Cookie will return, and the answer is yes. The fireside treat comes in two variations: One is covered in chocolate, and the other is a gingerbread cookie sandwich. For the record, I'll be trying both. USA Today reports that the S'mores Cookie became the "most popular flavor to launch" last year.
As for the rest of the varieties, Thin Mints are the Girl Scout's best-seller (no surprise there), with Samoas coming in second. Then you've got the other classics: Trefoils and Tagalongs. There's also Do-si-dos, Lemonades, Savannah Smiles, Thanks-A-Lots, Toffee-tastics, and Trios. If you haven't heard of some of these, that's because they're not all available in every region. Definitely a bummer, so make sure you check with your local Scouts to see which flavors you can choose from.
Last year, Girl Scouts celebrated their 100th year of selling cookies. All of the money raised via cookie sales remains in a council's local area, funding Girl Scouts' activities and community projects. So by purchasing cookies, you're actually contributing to girls your own community. Plus, you're helping teach them valuable entrepreneurial skills that will help them in their future endeavors. What better reason could there be to buy some cookies?
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