Apple's New iOS Will Have A Brand-New Emoji Option & I'm So Excited
Apple has officially announced their new iOS software rollout for the fall of 2018, and the iOS 12 seems like one of the most exciting updates to hit iPhones and iPads in a while. There are a ton of new features that come with the update, and the debut of the Memoji feature is definitely going to be the most fun to use. But what are Memojis, exactly? The entertaining new emoji feature will be available sometime in September 2018, and I could not be more excited about them.
This new addition to the already amazing iOS software will make your text messages on iMessage seriously personalized. When Apple announced their all-touch screen iPhone X with FaceID, the front-facing camera also enabled users to create Animojis. Animojis are basically animated emojis that you record using your face, and you can send them to other iPhone X users. (And they're super fun.)
There will be a brand new set of Animoji options with the iOS 12 update, so users will have more animals to choose from (and a ghost, too!). But the totally new Memoji feature will allow you to create a completely personalized Animoji. According to MacWorld, the new feature will let users create a customized human emoji that resembles the user. Your face shape, hair color, eye color, skin tone, and even accessories can be totally personalized to look and feel just like you.
You can even add freckles to your Memoji, for crying out loud. If that's not personalization then I don't know what is. There are literally hundreds of options that you can choose from, so each Memoji that's created will definitely be unique to its user.
Memojis are a super exciting feature that will definitely make iMessaging your friends a lot more fun and interesting. But this isn't the only new thing that'll be added to your iPhone or iPad when you update it to the new iOS 12 software.
You'll also be able to FaceTime in groups now. That's right — group FaceTime will now be a thing. If you and your squad require more out of life than just a massive ongoing group text, then this will be your favorite feature to use. You'll be able to video chat with up to 32 other people at the same time. Now that is what I call an update. I've literally never been this excited for an iOS update in all of my iPhone owning existence.
But group FaceTime isn't all that you'll be getting with iOS 12. There will also be a feature that will let you track how much time you use your phone or iPad and how much time you spend using each specific app. If you're planning on cutting down how much time you spend with your portable screen, this feature will give you great insights on where to cut down time. You'll also be able to limit your time on any app to a specific number of hours. It's a drastic way to keep you away from your phone, but a very effective one. I might be trying out the time-limit feature myself in an effort to curb my Instagram addiction.
Whatever you're most excited about with the iOS 12 software update, these new features all seem like they're gonna be huge successes. But the Memojis look like they'll be extra fun to play around with. The only sad part? You need an iPhone X to access both the Animoji and new Memoji feature. I'm not completely sold on the iPhone X just yet, but, hey. Maybe this feature will sway my opinion.