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Virgo Season Will Be The Worst For These 3 Signs, But Don't Take It To Heart

by Valerie Mesa
Originally Published: 

Leo may very well be a kid at heart, but Virgo doesn't play. That's probably why these zodiac signs will have the worst Virgo season 2019: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Although, I will say, please don't take these astrological predictions to heart. The last thing I'm trying to do is discourage you from making the most of this season, let alone living your very best life. Astrological seasons, transits, and monthly lunations are relative. The only thing that is certain is your soul's evolution.

Now that you've formed a relationship with your most authentic self — and fully tapped into your inner child — during Leo season, what can you expect from Virgo season? Well, the essence of meticulous Virgo is all about crossings your t's and dotting your i's. This is a time to polish your craft and critique your surroundings. However, there's a big difference between genuinely critiquing something in hopes of making it better and being overly critical. This, of course, is partly why Virgos are often frowned upon for being perfectionists or perhaps "too demanding."

Truth is, it is Virgo's innate divine duty to serve the people around them. Think about it: Virgo's planetary ruler, Mercury, governs the mind and the hands, which is why Virgos are naturally hands-on. The essence of this earth sign is actually pretty magical. Opposite of dreamy Pisces, Virgo is a representation of the soul's greatest mission after it's been fully integrated with your day-to-day routine. So, how can you use your mind, body, and soul for the greater good?

Keeping that question in mind, here's what's in store for Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius this season:


Gemini: You're Trying To Get Organized

You're feeling more self-critical than usual these days, Gemini. What can I say? Astrology is always incredibly validating, so go ahead and blame the effects of Virgo season. Besides, with the sun beaming through your domestic fourth house of home, family, and innermost feelings, you'll likely be in the mood to hibernate.

Granted, this sounds nothing like the Gemini I know, but Virgo season never ceases to put your relentless thoughts under a magnifying glass. Again, there's nothing wrong with dancing in the ballroom of your mind, but make sure you don't wig yourself out, OK? Instead, take this time for yourself and get situated.

Libra: You're Feeling More Skeptical Than Usual

You're your own worst critic, Libra. Despite your desire for justice and harmony, you're also hypercritical of your decisions and daily routine. Don't put so much pressure on yourself; there's no such thing as perfect. With the sun activating your secretive 12th house of closure, karma, and dreams, you'll likely feel the need to retreat from the world. Although, you'll probably feel guilty about it, too.

Don't put yourself under that kind of stress. You, too, are entitled to inner peace, which naturally consists of embracing your solitude. Are you getting enough rest? Have you been drinking enough water? Virgo season is all about getting in touch with your mind, body, and soul, so don't be afraid to do exactly that.

Aquarius: You're Stressed About Your Sex Life

I'm going to tell you the same thing I told Libra: There's no such thing as perfect. In fact, you of all people should know this, given your innate desire for progression and revolution. However, with the sun shaking up your inhibited eighth house of sex, power, and transformation this season, you might very well start putting your intimate relationships under a magnifying glass.

If it's not your sex life, then it might revolve around your partner's finances — but even still, there's really no need to panic. Instead, reflect on the ways you can polish your current situation without going down the rabbit hole. Too much criticism and a negative mindset won't get you anywhere, so make sure you think practically. Your mind is a lot more powerful than you think, Aquarius.

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