WaPo Tried To Argue Trump Is A True Millennial & Twitter Was Having None Of It
A single tweet from the Washington Post on Tuesday, Oct. 24, drew a practically unanimous response from Twitter users: GTFOH. The tweet featured a link to one of WaPo's opinion articles, which made the case that President Donald Trump is America's "first millennial president". Needless to say, the article got slapped around more than a box cereal in one of Geico's Dikembe Mutombo commercials.
Among the most popular replies to the article where simple one liners:
"How do I delete this"
Then there was the most obvious fact that one could bring up in response to the any argument that Trump is a Gen-Y president: Uh, he's 71.
Now, the writer, Catherine Rampell, obviously knows how old Donald Trump is. In her piece, she made the case about the president for people who "believe all those stereotypes about my generation." Those stereotypes, as Rampell outlined, are that millennials are "lazy, entitled, emotionally stunted, spendthrift, narcissistic, promiscuous snowflakes."
And that is a good point, people do think such things about millennials. Plus, when you think about it Trump does take on some of these traits himself. I mean, if you want to talk about snowflake-ish behavior, the guy's been complaining about the "fake" media literally since the day he got inaugurated. That's not a conservative or liberal spin. That's just a fact.
Oh, and here's another fact: Clearly, no one cares about the clever argument the article was trying to make and was ready to stuff WaPo in a locker after the article was tweeted.
Just check out the responses.
Yep, literally no one was having it. And I do mean literally.
Like, this isn't one of those types when we say "everybody" for hyperbolic effect. No, I mean, everybody who replied this article was smacking it down.
All that being said, we must admit, if you really wanted to try making the argument that the president of the United States embodies the worst stereotypes of millennials, it wouldn't exactly be hard. All you'd have to do is pay attention to the news of the day.
Just watch.
*Cracks knuckles*
Let's first start with the fact that not only does President Trump love to throw shade on Twitter, but that he clearly likes to do so even when he has an opportunity to see his target face-to-face. Consider the fact that on Tuesday morning, Trump rattled off five tweets about Republican Sen. Bob Corker and how he's a "lightweight."
Now consider the fact that Trump did this on a day when he was scheduled to meet with Republican Senators on Capitol Hill. You could make the argument that Trump should've just waited to say all of this to Corker in person.
In response, I'd argue that Trump is acting like the worst of millennials. See how this works?
But we still don't know how to explain why Trump used the word(?) "Liddle'", with an apostrophe at the end.
Rampell herself makes even more comparisons, though. For example, she points out the fact that Trump has taken on massive amounts of debt — which, I mean, guilty.
Rampell also points out that Trump had absolutely zero expectation of paying dues in the industry he dove into when he announced his candidacy for the 2016 presidential race.
Still, no argument about how Trump embodies the worst millennial stereotypes can be harsher than what Corker said about the president.
I don't wanna carry this much further, but look I expressed concerns a few weeks ago about his leadership, and his stability, and the lack of desire to be competent on issues, and understand, and nothing has changed.
So, just to be clear. Corker made the argument that Trump is a president who is not even interested in being competent — which might be even more insulting than calling someone actually incompetent — and also implied, not for the first time, that Trump is a toddler.
It's unclear, though, whether toddlers will be as offended as millennials after the Washington Post tried to group the president with us.