 Want to ask a dating app match for their number? Try one of these foolproof messages.
9 Smooth Messages To Ask Your Dating App Match For Their Number

by Rebecca Strong
Originally Published: 

It's safe to say that things are going splendidly with your match. You've exchanged some flirty banter, you established that you can both recite endless quotes from Parks and Rec like true fanatics, and maybe you've even talked about the possibility of meeting up IRL down the line. Now, you're eager to take your convo off the app to see where it leads. If you want to ask a dating app match for their number, you'll obvi want to be smooth about it. After all, you've already made a killer impression, and getting their digits is just one more opportunity to keep that up.

Sure, you could simply fire off a message that reads, "What's your phone number?" but where's the creativity — or excitement — in that? You've got way more game than that. Asking in a more unique way will not only make you stand out among other matches, but spiking their interest will also increase the likelihood that you actually get their digits... and then a text back.

So, ready to take things to a new level with your latest crush? Go ahead and fire off one of these foolproof messages, kick back, pour yourself a bev, and just wait for those digits to roll in.

"[Phone emoji] # ?"


If you're too shy to put your question into words, try this simple but straightforward formula. Your match will definitely get the hint.

"I'll tell you my number if you tell me yours."

The power of this message lies in the fact that rather than just requesting their number, you're also dangling your own as a prize. Plus, it has has an undeniably flirty tone, which can only work in your favor.

"Call me old-fashioned, but I'm more of a texter than a DMer. What do you say we make the switch?"

This message is laced with a little levity, which lightens the mood and takes some of the pressure off if you're nervous about asking for their number. There's nothing demanding about it, either — in fact, it's casual AF.

"I haven't been checking this app very often — you down to exchange numbers to keep this convo rolling?"

If you and your match really are hitting it off, they're not going to want to miss out on an opportunity to keep deepening your connection. That's why this message is super effective.

"This app can be kind of glitchy and I don't want to miss a single message from ya. Want to move over to text?"


Similar to the last one, this message adds a bit of urgency to the situation — which may very well inspire them to offer up their number ASAP.

"I had a nightmare last night that we disappeared from each other's match queue before I could get your number. Let's make sure that doesn't happen, hm?"

A little humor never hurts. The playful nature of this message could very well inspire your match to LOL — and as a result, they won't be able to help themselves from passing along their digits.

"Damn, I think my phone is broken. Do me a favor and text me to test it out? [Wink emoji]"

Again, this message is light-hearted and likely to make your match crack a smile — at the very least. Note that the wink emoji at the end is key so that it's clear you're just flirting, not lying or playing a game in order to get their number.

"Not to brag, but I'm kind of an amazing texter. Let me prove it to you?"

This message is brimming with confidence — which, let's be real, is oh so sexy.

"If you like the memes I'm sending on here, you should see what I come up with over text."

Yeah, your match isn't going to be able to resist the allure of this one. It's not only charming — it's also kind of a genius way to motivate them into transitioning to text.

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