
This Video Of NYE Fireworks Over Hogwarts Is All Your Harry Potter Dreams Come True

by Rachel Chapman
Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Some of us are still anxiously awaiting our letters from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Until that day comes, we can still experience what it is like in the Wizarding World by visiting Universal Studios in either Orlando or Hollywood. If you've ever been to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, you know that Hogwarts Castle is gorgeous. It's beautiful in the day, but at night, it glows with that magic we all come to expect. Any Harry Potter fan needs to make the trip to see the Wizarding World, and this video of Hogwarts’ New Year's Eve fireworks will have you planning for next New Year's Eve.

Last summer, Hogwarts Castle lit up for the first time for an all-new "The Nighttime Lights at Hogwarts" show that features amazing light projections on the castle. It truly is a sight to see. It's as if someone went a little overboard with their Lumos charm, and we are here for it. This past holiday season, the Wizarding World offered a festive version of the light show called "The Magic of Christmas at Hogwarts Castle." So, you know that Hogwarts wasn't going to sleep on throwing an epic display to ring in the new year. You can't have New Year's Eve without fireworks, and even Harry Potter knows that. This year, there was an amazing fireworks display right behind Hogwarts Castle, and the video captured of the show will even give muggles all of the feels.

You can tell by the video that everyone else there wanted to capture the moment forever, as NBC News Correspondent Gadi Schwartz pans down, and you can see almost everyone recording the show on their phones. I'm so glad they did, because now I know that next year I'm heading to Hogsmeade for New Year's to walk down to Hogwarts Castle to see the fireworks.

Harry Potter Fans Were Loving NYE At Hogwarts

Fans on Twitter were quick to respond to the video with their absolute delight. Many even tagged their Potterhead friends so they could see as well.

Some fans joked that it looked like the Battle of Hogwarts. (Though they neglected to mention the fact that Dec. 31 is Voldemort's birthday.)

Start Planning For NYE At Hogwarts Now

All joking aside, I am already planning the most epic 2018 New Year's Eve at Universal Studios. You can start your day off by taking a stroll through Hogsmeade, maybe even stopping off at Ollivanders for a wand. Maybe a wand will choose you, and you can use that wand to cast spells all around. Then, just before midnight, you can grab yourself some warm butterbeer, which is the most delicious thing you've ever had.

Then, find the perfect viewing spot right in front of Hogwarts Castle. As you await the final countdown, you can sip your butterbeer wondering what potions class would be like. The magical night is basically writing itself here. Good thing we have an entire year to plan out the most epic New Year's Eve ever.

If you can't make it down to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter for New Year's, don't sweat it. It's a magical place year-round for anyone to visit. In both Orlando and Hollywood, you can visit Hogwarts and places like Ollivanders and the Three Broomsticks. However, at Orlando only, you can visit Diagon Alley, as well. You can take the Hogwarts Express from Hogsmeade to King's Cross Station. There you can visit Gringotts or The Leaky Cauldron.

And if you truly want to see a light show, the NYE fireworks are one of a kind, but there is the year-round nighttime light projections show on the castle that is just as amazing.

So, happy New Year from Hogwarts to all the wizards and muggles out there. I hope 2018 ends up being just as magical as the Wizarding World is.