Watch The Moment Colton Almost Proposes To Cassie & Try Not To Scream
Pump the brakes, sound the alarms — Colton Underwood and Cassie Randolph almost got engaged last night on Jimmy Kimmel Live. This video of Colton almost proposing to Cassie is enough to get your heart racing from the suspense. I thought it was happening, people! And judging from the nervous look on Randolph’s face, she thought the same thing — until Underwood laughed and sat back down next to her. Deep breath out.
The newly-public couple sat down with Kimmel on March 12, right after the Bachelor season finale aired. We learned a lot of new things about their relationship, including the fact that they’ve been spending time together every week since filming wrapped up (“more than any other couple [on the show], probably,” Underwood guessed).
Kimmel heaped on praise of them both, saying they were “the only couple in the history of this show that handled this like human beings.” He added that it is “preposterous” to get engaged after such a short time, with a relationship that grew primarily in front of cameras. But now that Underwood and Randolph have had time for just the two of them, they might be more ready for a proposal.
The pivotal moment came when Kimmel whipped out a diamond ring, specifically gifted from jeweler Neil Lane, who has historically provided rings for couples in the ABC franchise. The ring appeared to be a square-cut diamond with a halo, and a double band of diamonds. Despite Kimmel’s assertion that “I'm not asking you to do anything” right now, Underwood stood up and asked Randolph to stand up with him. She looked at him nervously and asked, “Really?,” clearly unsure about what was going down. After a moment of major suspense, Underwood smiled and took a seat, and Randolph looked relieved, to say the least. Watch the moment below:
Excuse me while I hyperventilate. I literally thought we were going to get our TV proposal after all, but I was also majorly stressed about what Randolph’s reaction might be. Is the couple ready for that yet?! But thankfully, the moment was a joke, and there’s still no wedding on the table. Kimmel told Underwood he could keep the ring for when the time is right, or trade it in for another style if they prefer.
We also got an update about where Underwood stands with Randolph’s family. He has apparently gotten closer to them, including her famously concerned father, who showed up to the couple’s fantasy suite date and urged her to think carefully about whether she was ready for a life-long commitment. In the months since the show, Randolph’s dad has come around. “He loves Colton,” Randolph said, and Underwood added that “we’ve watched episodes [of The Bachelor] together.” Apparently the whole Randolph family has watched Underwood make out with the other contestants, which Cassie Randolph admitted could be “pretty strange” at times.
Underwood still won’t fess up about whether he lost his virginity in the fantasy suite, but he did come clean about another aspect of the show’s filming: those steamy shower scenes. As it turns out, he wears a rolled-down swimsuit while filming those moments, to avoid making anyone on the camera crew uncomfortable. I mean, honestly, I respect his thoughtfulness, and it’s pretty funny to picture him in the shower with a swimsuit on. Randolph said she didn’t even know this behind-the-scenes secret.
As for the couple’s future, it’s looking pretty rosy at this point. Randolph told Kimmel that she and Underwood were in the phase between dating and engagement (whatever that means), and Underwood said the couple has been talking about an upcoming proposal. And while we didn’t get the TV engagement moment we anticipated this season, I’m holding my breath hoping it’ll be at least somewhat public so the world can swoon.
Watch the full interview here: