Chrissy Teigen Shared The First Photo Of Herself After Giving Birth & Fans Are Loving It
I don't know what it's like to be a supermodel or a mother, but from here, it looks like Chrissy Teigen is doing it all exactly right. The new mother-of-two just welcomed her second child, a son named Miles Theodore. It's a big freaking celebration, ya'll. Since his arrival, fans have been going crazy and are delighted to have been gifted with a sneak peek at mommy, too. The first photo of Chrissy Teigen after giving birth to her son is so real and fans are commending her for it.
Teigen announced baby Miles' arrival with the most simple tweet. In the early hours of May 17, Teigen tweeted, "Somebody’s herrrrrrre!" with the baby bottle emoji. Then, on May 20, she gave fans the first glimpse of Baby Miles with the sweetest photo on Instagram. In the photo, Miles is cuddled up in mommy's arms with his hand resting against his tiny little baby cheek. The caption reads,
Hello, world! This is Miles Theodore Stephens - We are drowning in his little peeps and nuzzles. Our household feels overwhelmed with love. Thank you for all your well wishes!
Later on May 20, Teigen posted the first photo of herself after giving birth. The photo showed her in the kitchen, topless, wearing a long, flowy skirt, holding Miles in one hand and a pear in some netting in the other. The caption read,
If you haven’t seen @aliwong’s new Netflix special, you are bad at picking Netflix specials #asianpearunderwear
The underwear that Teigen mentions is actually given to new mothers after they give birth, and definitely resembles that pear netting she's holding.
Fans were so happy that Teigen gave a "real" look into life after pregnancy with her post.
Chrissy is the best because she always lets her fans in on exactly what is going on with her. If you aren't following her on Twitter, I seriously can't help you. Usually, she keeps us up to speed on the haps with her hubby, John Legend, and her sweet-as-pie daughter, Luna. Now we know for certain we can add Miles into the update mix!
It's particularly exciting to see this photo of Teigen with her baby considering how she announced she was having a boy. One could argue the first photo of mama and Miles was back at the 2018 Grammys when she posted a stunning photo on Instagram wearing all silver with her baby bump on full display. She captioned that picture, "mama and her baby boy."
It was equally as swoon-worthy.
It's also a joy to see Teigen doing well after her struggle with postpartum depression during her first pregnancy. She opened up in great detail about how isolating the experience was in an essay with Glamour magazine, and spoke at length with Refinery29 about her expectations of her second pregnancy and baby. At the time, she said,
I'm sure my next one is going to be the complete opposite of Luna. But everyone has their own experience. Luna is really the first baby I have ever been around. So you have to go through your own thing with it, and no matter what happens, no matter how uncomfortable or comfortable you get with a baby, remember that it all changes the next week. If you're feeling safe now, it's going to get a little crazier the next week. If you're feeling crazy now, it's going to get so much better the next week. It makes you prepared for anything.
She even mentioned in her Glamour essay that despite postpartum, she always hoped more kids were in the future. She ended that message by saying,
I love John and Luna more than I can imagine loving anything, and John and I still hope to give Luna a few siblings. Postpartum hasn’t changed that.
Well, Miles is here now, and everyone seems to be doing, feeling, and looking a hundo P.
Please keep us posted Chrissy! You too, Miles! When is it too soon to get your own Instagram account?