
This Genius Girl Scout Turned Her Sweet Samoas Into Swoon-Worthy "Momoa" Cookies

by Amanda Fama

Growing up, selling Girl Scout Cookies always required a lot of talking and a lot of walking. I remember going from door to door in my suburban neighborhood and asking everyone nearby if they wanted to buy a few boxes from me. It wasn't the most creative tactic, but it always got the job done. However, Girl Scouts in 2019 are getting way more innovative than I ever was. Just take one Girl Scout's Jason Momoa-inspired Samoa cookies into consideration. In short, the young entrepreneur plastered photos of Jason Momoa, the iconic Aquaman star, onto her cookie boxes — and it was a total success. I guess it's safe to say that the days of begging your neighbors to buy your cookies are long gone.

That's right: Instead of scoping the community for eager cookie buyers, just glue a photo of a hot celebrity to the back of your boxes. After all, that's what worked for Charlotte Holmberg, a fifth grader and "Top Cookie CEO" from Colorado. According to 9 News NBC, the young Girl Scout worked with her mom to create the swoon-worthy Samao collection, which features a shirtless photo of Momoa glued onto each box. Apparently, they idea began when Holmberg's mom came across the topless picture of Momoa online — and the rest was cookie history.

According to CNN, Girl Scouts of the USA said that Holmberg ended up glueing Momoa's photo onto 35 Samoa boxes "as an inside joke with her friends and family." (That's a pretty great inside joke, if you ask me.) However, the organization reportedly confirmed that the Girl Scout isn't using Momoa's image to sell her cookies anymore.

Per CNN, Girl Scouts of the USA also said that she "never had any intention of mass marketing these particular boxes to consumers." The organization reportedly continued, saying, "Once those boxes were sold, she continued with her Girl Scout Cookie season as usual." Elite Daily reached out to Girl Scouts of the USA for a direct statement on the Momoa cookie boxes, but hasn't heard back by the time of publication.

Hey, you have to admit: Even though "Momoas" aren't being sold anymore, they worked while they lasted. IMHO, it looks like this "Top Cookie CEO" might be the "Top CEO" elsewhere in her future. You go, girl.

Apparently, Twitter thinks so, too. Since Holmberg's cookies hit the web, people have been tweeting about the swoon-worthy snacks.

If Momoa's Aquaman photo distracted you to the point where you've forgotten what a Samoa actually is, fear not — I will remind you. According to Girl Scouts' webpage (and my pure Samoa knowledge), Samoa cookies are covered in caramel, toasted coconut flakes, and chocolate drizzle. TBH, they're my favorite out of the bunch — and Momoa's photo just made them even better.

Sure, Momoa-inspired Samoa boxes aren't actually on sale anymore, but that doesn't mean you won't be able to buy a box of OG Samoa cookies on your own. (It is Girl Scout Cookie season, after all.)