These 3 Signs Will Have The Best Taurus Season & They Deserve To Celebrate
Taurus season is upon us, and the essence of sweet Venus is swirling through the breeze, like the scent of fresh peonies in the springtime. These three zodiac signs will have the best Taurus season 2019, and they deserve it. It's no wonder the sun enters sensual Taurus when the flowers reach full bloom, as it's a symbol of beauty and abundance. I personally can't get enough of Taurus season; although, perhaps I'm being biased, given that the sun in Taurus already forms a sextile to my natal sun. My spirit naturally thrives during this season, and Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are in for good days ahead.
The sun enters stubborn Taurus on April 20, and coquettish Venus slides into warrior-like Aries on the very same day. Hate to break it to my fellow Taurus babies, but with your ruling planet (Venus) traveling through Aries, it looks like Taurus season will have a sweet dose of cardinal fire this year. Slow and steady wins the race? Not necessarily, but it's still the season of the bull nonetheless. Truth is, the planets have their own story to tell, which is why I can't help but wonder what Venus has in store, given Taurus is its sign of rulership.
Once Taurus season rolls around, Jupiter will have already begun its retrograde cycle, but two more planets will retrograde shortly after: Pluto on April 24, and Saturn will follow on April 29. I'm sure you're wondering what this all means, but I'm going to give you a quick overview: Jupiter retrograde brings us closer to the path of self-discovery, Pluto retrograde will remind us of our power, and Saturn retrograde redefines our previously set structures. Need I say more?
Anyhoo, it's safe to say all the signs are in the midst of a powerful restructure, but this isn't all there is to it. Here's what's in store for the earth signs this season:
Taurus: Cheers To Another Blessed Trip Around The Sun
Happy solar return, Taurus! The universe is well aware of all you've been through in the past few weeks, and well... I'm here to tell you the worst is now over. With the sun beaming over your sign, you're back to basics and feeling like your old self again. With rebellious Uranus starting a revolution in your sign, you've probably caught a few glimpses of everything headed your way in the next seven years. Sounds like a lot of information, but this electric transit will be one for the books. Speaking of, with Saturn and Pluto hovering over your ninth house of education, travel, and personal philosophy, you're in the process of redefining your entire life perspective, and perhaps finally tapping into your repressed wanderer.
It's time to cross the pond, my sweet Taurus. Expand your horizons, and trust the process.
Virgo: You're Ready For A Much-Needed Getaway
Take a load off, Virgo. Have faith. Look towards the sun, and think about your future goals. All that you've endured these past few months is proof of your innate strength as well as everything you're capable of achieving in this lifetime. With the sun in steady Taurus, and your ninth house of the "bigger picture" and personal philosophy this season, you're making big moves and you're ready to materialize everything you've been working so hard for. Naturally, with Saturn and Pluto hovering over your fifth house of joy, romance, and authenticity, it hasn't been easy getting the recognition you deserve as of late... but not for long. Although, instead of sitting there contemplating the hows and what ifs, it's time you venture into unknown territory and perhaps take off on a getaway. You won't regret it.
Capricorn: Take A Nice Breather And Celebrate Your Success
My hat goes off to you, Capricorn. By no means is this a cosmic pity party, but I have to say, I admire your courage and perseverance immensely. Taurus season will kick off on a bright note, given that the sun will be traveling through your fifth house of joy, children, romance, and creativity. This is always fun, and if you're looking for love, well... it's even better. Truth is, you've been experiencing a number of hardships as of late, but I guarantee you, there is a light at the end of what seems like a never-ending tunnel. In the meantime, bask in the recognition you receive and tap into your creative muse. Taurus season is about indulging in sensual pleasures, and you deserve to do exactly that.