These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have The Best Full Moon In Virgo, Because Closure Is Everything
Despite the intensity and over-the-top feels that come with the full moon, there's still something incredibly liberating about this lunar phase. Imagine, full moons are a cosmic finale of the past six months, and luckily, these three zodiac signs will have the best full moon in Virgo 2019, and well deserved: Taurus, Cancer, and Capricorn. BTW, the energy of scrupulous Virgo thrives off organization, productivity, and being of service. With that said, keep in mind, this full moon is a culmination of the new moon that took place in September 2018, so take a moment to reflect on what you've built, and perhaps organized, throughout the past six months.
Virgo is a symbol of everything that takes place in our day-to-day lives. For instance, things such as your routine, daily habits, state of mind, daily duties, and relationship with your physical body, are all related to Virgo. Another example I want to share is, in the astrological calendar, Leo season comes before Virgo season, and this is because after we tap into our creativity during Leo season, we are asked to find ways in which we can put our creations into good use during Virgo season. Make sense? This is what I meant when I said Virgo thrives when they're productive.
Something else I want to point out is, the astrological seasons are proof from the heavens that everything does in fact happen for a reason, and as always, there's a time and place for everything. For instance, the full moon in Virgo takes place during Pisces season, and this is no coincidence, as both of these signs oppose each other in the zodiac wheel. Besides, full moons are a call for balance, and while Virgo works throughly in the physical dimension, Pisces is a sea of compassion, as it represents the subconscious realm.
With that said, ask yourself the following: how has surrendering to the universe (Pisces) helped you be of service (Virgo) in your day-to-day life? What have you sacrificed (Pisces) in order to nourish your physical (Virgo) well being? In the end, Virgo is a part of Pisces, and vise versa. While Virgo is a symbol of the human body in the physical world, Pisces represents the meaning of self sacrifice, and the universal realm. Virgo prefers to be clear, consistent, and organized, while Pisces is typically ambiguous, hazy, and imaginative. This is because Virgo lives in the here and now, while Pisces walk in between both worlds.
Anyhoo, here's what's in store for Taurus, Cancer, and Capricorn:
Taurus: You're Ready To Celebrate
Whether you're glowing in self-love, falling in love with your twin flame, or perhaps completing a passion project, don't hesitate to turn up, and pat yourself on the back, Taurus. One thing's for sure; your vibe attracts your surroundings, and when you remain true to your authentic self, everything else tends to follow through. Call it what you want, but self-love is the most important kind of love, and you shouldn't have it any other way.
Cancer: You're Finally Speaking Your Truth
Aside from the fact that you're a big fan of Pisces season, the full moon in Virgo will illuminate your chatty third house of communication, technology, and local community. This is both liberating and validating for you, Cancer. So, reflect on the following: how have you collaborated with your close circle, social media followers, and immediate community since September 2018? This is your cosmic finale from the heavens.
Capricorn: You're Taking Exciting Risks For A Change
Whether you've decided to embark on a journey overseas, study abroad for a semester, or sign up for a mission trip in an exotic country, I hope you take full credit for all of your successful endeavors, Capricorn. It's been a tough time for a lot of you, but this full moon is a reminder from the heavens that there is a light at the end of the tunnel after all. Reflect on the following: What's changed in regards to your faith, and personal philosophy in the past six months?